Malaysian Indian Congress

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The Malaysian Indian Congress ( MIC Kongres India Se-Malaysia) is a right-wing conservative political party in Malaysia that represents the Indian minority in the country.


The party was founded in 1946 , making it one of the oldest parties in Malaysia . In 1954 , under Sri Kundan Lal Devaser , the party joined the Alliance , the predecessor organization of the Barisan Nasional , as the third member after the UMNO and the MCA .


In the 2004 election , the party won 9 of the 218 seats in the Malaysian parliament with 3.2% of the vote , making it the fourth largest group within the Barisan Nasional after the UMNO , the MCA and the Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Malaysian People's Movement).

In the 2008 election it won 10.3% of the vote and thus 15 of the 222 seats.

List of party leaders

Web links