Maltese Commende

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Maltese Commende

The Malteser Commende is a former commander in the municipality of Stroheim in the Eferding district of Upper Austria . The building complex is under monument protection .


The coming one was a foundation of the Counts of Schaunberg . In 1260 it was handed over to the Knights of St. John , Johannitern von der Mailberg , later called the Sovereign Order of Malta . The Gothic coat of arms and inscription stones above the entrance portal bear witness to this foundation. The building attached to the parish church had served as a Johanniterkommende until the 15th century and was one of the earliest branches of the Mailberg Commandery in Lower Austria. Thereafter Stroheim fell back to the rank of parish due to economic difficulties. Under Joseph Reichsgraf von Colloredo , authorized minister and grand prior of the Order of Malta, the Stroheim monastery belonging to the Order of Malta and its accessories were sold for 6,000 guilders to Georg Adam Reichsgrafen von Starhemberg in 1790 . Until the abolition of the manors in 1848, the Stroheimer Malteserstift was considered an aristocratic open space.

Malteser Commende today

The listed building in Stroheim No. 1 is now called "Malteser-Stöckl". Today the excursion inn "Stroheimerhof" is housed there. It is a two-story structure with an eaves standing bay. Two monk cells remain from the original building. The tram ceiling from the 16th century on the upper floor is of particular artistic importance. This extremely elaborately crafted wooden ceiling, which has been recognized in the literature, has an almost unchanged surface condition with remnants of the painting from the time it was created.


  • Norbert Grabherr : Castles and palaces in Upper Austria. A guide for castle hikers and friends of home. 3rd edition . Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1976, ISBN 3-85214-157-5 .

Web links

Commons : Malteserstöckl  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Estate of Dr. Heinz Burg . In: OöLA (ed.): Starh. Document 6634 . Linz 2009.
  2. Estate of Dr. Heinz Burg. Retrieved May 19, 2020 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 20 '15 "  N , 13 ° 57' 27.9"  E