Parish Church Stroheim

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Catholic parish church hl. John the Baptist in Stroheim

The Roman Catholic parish church Stroheim is visible from afar in a dominant location in Stroheim in the municipality of Stroheim in the Eferding district in Upper Austria . The church consecrated to St. John the Baptist belongs to the Deanery Eferding in the Diocese of Linz . The church building is under monument protection .


Around 1235, Count Johann I von Schaunberg had a Catholic parish church built. The building with the 52 m high tower is dedicated to John the Baptist . The Count was a member of St John and handed the church as a branch church the Knights of Mailberg , later Maltesern that this is a Scheduled extended.

In 1784 Stroheim became its own parish . The parish church, which was Gothic in its origins , was later rebuilt several times, including a neo-Gothic interior; it received its present form in 1896/97.


Parish church in Stroheim, view from diagonally behind.

A retracted single - bay cross-rib vaulted choir with a five- eighth end connects to the barrel vaulted nave . However, various changes and extensions have been made over the centuries. A wooden false vault (apparently attached later) was removed in 1973. The three-axis, two-bay Gothic west gallery is vaulted with cross ribs. The 52 m high church tower in the southern choir corner originally wore a Gothic helmet, then a hood. A little more than 100 years ago, the tower was given the current Gothic pointed helmet.


1969 was the sanctuary within the meaning of the liturgical reform of the second Vatican Council renewed. Instead of the neo-Gothic altars, a new altar, ambo and baptismal font made of rose granite were created, the early Gothic pointed arch and net ribs were exposed and a marble tablet of the church patron John the Baptist, discovered during the work, was attached to the front wall.


  • Stroheim, parish church hl. Johannes d. T. S. 339. In: Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs. Dehio Upper Austria. By Erwin Hainisch , reworked by Kurt Woisetschläger , prefaces to the 3rd edition (1958) and 4th edition (1960) by Walter Frodl , sixth edition, Verlag Anton Schroll & Co., Vienna 1977.

Web links

Commons : Saint John the Baptist (Stroheim)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Josef Antesberger, former pastor of Stroheim: Parish church Stroheim. Retrieved May 19, 2020 .

Coordinates: 48 ° 20 ′ 14.2 "  N , 13 ° 57 ′ 28.1"  E