Manbidj offensive

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Manbidj offensive 2016
Course of the Manbij offensive
Course of the Manbij offensive
date May 31, 2016 to August 27, 2016
place Manbij and the surrounding area in northern Syria
output Victory for the SDF
consequences IS is losing its last supply route to Turkey
Parties to the conflict

Flag of Syrian Democratic Forces.svg Syrian Democratic Forces Yekîneyên Berxwedana Şingal Yekinêyen Jinên Êzidxan CJTR-OIR
Flag of YBŞ.svg
Flag of Sinjar Womens Units.svg
Seal of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve.svg

AQMI flag asymmetric.svg Islamic State


Abu Layla (Katāʾib Shams asch-Shimāl commander)
Adnan Abu Amjad (Katāʾib Shams asch-Shimāl commander)
Yousif Abdo Sa'don (Katāʾib Shams asch-Shimāl)
Mustafa Manbij (army of revolutionaries-commanders)
Botan Turkmeni (army of revolutionaries) )
Abdel Sattar al-Jader (Jarabulus Military Council and Furat Jarablus Commander)
Muhammad Ahmed (
Jarabulus Military Council Commander) Haqi Kobani (YPG Commander)
Abdelaziz Yunis (SDF Commander in Chief)
Abu Amdil (SDF Commander) SDF Abu Amdil -Commander)
Habun Osman (SDF commander)
Şervan Afrin (SDF commander)
Diyar Şexler (SDF commander)
Heval Shiyar (SDF commander)
Judi Derek (SDF commander)
"Koçber" (YJÊ commander)

Osama al-Tunisi (Emir of Manbij)
Abu Khalid al-Tunisi (Replacement Emir of Manbij)
Abu Omaar al-Muhajiri (Replacement Emir of Manbij)
Abu Muhamad al-Kahtani (Emir in Manbij)
Dahham al-Hussein (Emir in Um Mayyal)
Abu Hamza al-Ansari (IS leader)
Abu Suheyl El-Maarawî (commander in western Manbij)
Abu Aisha (commander in eastern Manbij)
Abu Talha al-Shami (IS commander in chief)
Abu Hadid (IS commander in chief)
Abu al-Hayjaa ( Hezba police chief in Manbij)
Abu Huzaifa al-Ordoni (IS commander)
Hasan Rimo (pro-IS tribal leader)
Safi Yahiya Rajab (security officer of Manbij)
Ezzit Raad (prominent battalion commander)

Troop strength
2,900 to 12,000 fighters

2,500 to 9,600 Arabs (1,800 local fighters)
400 to 2,400 Kurds

Several thousand fighters. 2,000 of them in Manbij

264 deaths (according to SDF)
315 deaths (according to SOHR)
1650 deaths (according to IS)

400 dead (according to IS)
1,026 dead (according to SOHR)
4,180 dead and 112 prisoners (according to SDF)

444 dead and more than 2000 kidnapped

about 78,000 refugees

The Manbij offensive (named by SDF Operation Martyr and Commander Faysal Abu Layla ) was launched in 2016 by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to drive the Islamic State (IS) from the city and region of Manbij in northern Syria. The main goal was to cut the last IS supply route to Turkey and thus abroad. In this way, the IS was able to smuggle the attacker into Turkey and beyond to Europe. During the offensive, the US-led coalition forces flew 55 air strikes against IS. After the conquest of the city on August 12, the SDF declared that the offensive would continue until the surrounding area was completely conquered, with Turkey's Operation Schutzschild Euphrates from August 24, 2016 preventing the SDF from spreading and thus preventing the offensive actually came to an end.


City map of Manbij

In late December 2015, the SDF captured the Tischrin Dam and thus crossed the Euphrates . It thus formed a bridgehead for operations in the direction of Manbij. For further actions, six factions of the SDF - without the YPG - formed the Manbij Military Council on April 2nd. Most of the groups were part of the Katāʾib Shams al-Shimāl , the Euphrates Martyrs Brigade, the Jund al-Haramayn Brigade and the Manbij Turkmen Brigade.

On April 3, the US asked Turkey for support, but Turkey had two conditions: All Arab fighters should leave the SDF, as they are led by the People's Defense Units (YPG) and the Women's Defense Units (YPJ). Turkey regards the YPG and YPJ as terrorist organizations. As a second condition, the US should also support Turkish opposition groups through air strikes. A day later, according to Turkish sources, American military advisers and intelligence officials arrived in Turkey to draw up a plan. Turkey declined to cooperate because of the involvement of the YPG and could not offer artillery support either, as Manbij was too far from the Turkish border. Even so, Turkish intelligence and the military are watching the operation. On the day the offensive began, the Washington Post headlined "Ignoring Turkey, US backs Kurds in drive against ISIS in Syria".

On April 5th, a multi-ethnic city council was founded in Sarrin by the former residents of Manbij, which is to administer the city after the conquest. The city council was headed by the former member of the Syrian parliament and Arab Sheikh Farouk al-Maschi and the Kurd Salih Hajji Mohammed.

On May 31, the USA promised to support the offensive with soldiers who should assist the SDF. There were different opinions and reports about the composition of the SDF. A US spokesman said the Syrian Arab fighters would secure the city after a victory. On the same day that the offensive began, the SOHR declared that most of the fighters belonged to the YPG. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan himself said that of the 3,000 fighters, only 450 are YPG fighters. In addition, two coalition spokesmen said that Arab fighters would lead the offensive while the Kurds would support it. A report by local activists said that 60 percent of the fighters are from Manbij themselves. This was also confirmed by the Manbij Military Council.


SDF conquers the eastern region

On May 31, the offensive began, which was led by a small number of US special forces. The advance came from the bridgehead at Tischrin and Qara Qozak at Sarrin. The former bridge at Qara Qozak was destroyed by IS after the Battle of Kobane. Here the Americans built a temporary bridge with armored bridge.

On June 1, the SDF captured Qalʿat Nadschm on the western bank of the Euphrates, thus combining both directions. As a result, the SDF was only twelve kilometers away from the city.

On June 3, Abu Layla, a senior commander of the Manbij Military Council, was seriously injured. He was then taken to Sulaimaniyya in northern Iraq for treatment , but died two days later from his injuries. As a result, the operation was renamed after Abu Layla in honor. At this point in time, the SDF had wrested around 50 villages and 400 km² from IS within a week.


On June 4, the SDF captured eight more villages and cut off the connection between Manbij and ar-Raqqa . With taking Awn DADAT north of the city on June 5 was also the connection to Jarabulus separately. The SDF encircled the city, which led to IS fighters moving to Manbij from other fronts.

One day later, the first IS fighters and their families fled the city. At this point in time, SDF fighters had already approached the southern urban area within two kilometers. On June 8, Syrian opposition officials used the withdrawal of IS fighters to attack IS positions near Mare ' and Aʿzāz .

Civilians flee Manbij.

On June 9, the SDF completed the encirclement and interrupted the last major arterial road from Manbij to Aleppo. According to SOHR, 49 IS fighters and one SDF fighter were killed within the last 36 hours. The IS emir of the city of Manbij named Osama al-Tunisi, along with his family and bodyguards, was among the dead. Al-Tunisi was replaced by Abu Khalid al-Tunisi.

On June 10, the city was completely encircled, including around 2,000 IS fighters and thousands of civilians. To the west of the city, the SDF was able to advance several kilometers in the direction of Al-Bab .

As a result, IS was only able to carry out minor counter-attacks, so places that had been conquered were lost to the SDF. IS pulled its fighters from the surrounding area into the city. On June 14th, the SDF captured 105 villages and farmsteads in the outskirts of Manbij and the coalition's first air strikes hit the outskirts of the city. An attempt by IS to blow up the siege was repulsed on June 15. On June 16, the SDF captured the Hatabat district, killing the local ISIS chief of the Hisba religious police, Abu al-Hayjaa.

Heavy fighting broke out in the west of the city on June 17th, and the SDF captured the last remaining IS villages in the area in a side operation. At that time, some Arab tribes from the surrounding area had joined the SDF.

Fight on the outskirts

On June 18, the SDF was on the western edge of the city two kilometers from the city center. The next day, the important Al-Kitab intersection in the west was captured. A little later, all the villages around Manbij were in the hands of the SDF. The advance into the city was accompanied by air strikes.

On the morning of June 20, IS fighters from Al-Bab, Jarabulus and Arihma tried to blow up the siege ring, but failed with great losses on both sides. The IS now proceeded to arrest several civilians from the area north of Aleppo, which led activists to fear that they could be used as human shields. The next day, heavy fighting broke out over the silos in Manbij. According to the US, ISIS was apparently ready to fight to the last man. On June 23, SDF fighters also invaded the city south.

Explosions near the silos in the south of the city

The silos were captured by the SDF on June 24th. In addition, the IS Sharia School in the west of the city was captured. The next day the SDF made great strides and captured the northern neighborhoods of Al-Hawatimah and Al-Haram and Al-Hawani in the southwest. The SDF also claimed that the IS defense in the south of the city had collapsed and that they were only one kilometer from the central market square.

IS launched another attack via Jarabulus on June 28 and was repulsed three hours later. On the same day, the SDF captured the Ministry of Transport building and parts of Hazawna. The next day, the SDF tried to control the Al-Matahin intersection, from where they could then advance into the city center. The advance in the east and west of the city was slowed down by the myriad of booby traps and mines. In addition, there were tunnel systems through which IS fighters could launch surprise attacks behind the front. On June 30, the SDF took the Al-Asadiyê neighborhood, where Abu Layla is from.

First major counter-offensive by IS

An IS car bomb is destroyed with a guided missile.

On July 1st, ISIS launched an offensive to break the siege and evacuate its forces from the city. They attacked on all fronts, with the main attack on the village of Dadat in the north in the direction of Jarabulus. Here the IS fighters could only be repulsed after heavy fighting. The next day, the IS was able to take Dadat after another attack. At the same time, ISIS began an attempt to break out in Manbij and took the neighborhood of Jelawi in the northern city and the village of Khataf in the east.

On July 3, there were various reports on the IS offensive. While the ANF ​​agency reported that the SDF had repelled the attacks in the north, west and south, al-Masdar News reported that IS had captured two hills and seven villages in the south. The SOHR itself only reported heavy fighting with high losses on both sides. According to Reuters, referring to SOHR, all ISIS attacks on July 3rd and 4th were repelled. The SDF itself has barely gained any land within the city in the last ten days, which was partly due to the fact that IS did not use heavy weapons because of human shields.

A little later, the IS published a video that showed Abu Layla's brother Yousif Abdo Sa'don as a prisoner. The tortured Yousif stated that he was part of the Katāʾib Shams al-Shimāl and that the SDF had suffered heavy losses in the battle for the city. The SDF denied Yousif's role and stated that he was only a civilian. Meanwhile, the SDF relocated fighters from Kobani, al-Hasakah and Qamishli to Manbij. On the night of July 5th to 6th, ISIS launched another attack, but was then repulsed. There was a stalemate in the city.

Fight in western Manbij and city center

On July 7, the SDF had advanced even further and, after conquering the southwest of the city, was only one kilometer from the city center.

Heavy fighting continued on July 9, particularly in the al-Hezwania neighborhood, most of which was under SDF control. The incumbent IS Emir Abu Khalid al-Tunisi was killed in these fighting and replaced by Abu Omaar al-Muhajiri. For the next few days, the fighting was concentrated in the Sabaa Bahrat, al-Hezwania and Watanî hospital areas. Other high-ranking ISIS people were killed in Manbij. The IS was launched on Sādschūrfluss west of DADAT on July 11, another attack that was repelled again.

Between July 11 and 13, the SDF made progress by dividing the IS area in the west of the city into two parts and then largely capturing the smaller pocket. After several days of heavy fighting, the IS withdrew from Sabaa Bahrat and al-Hezwania with heavy losses. In view of their deteriorating situation, the IS fighters began to negotiate with the SDF to withdraw from the city.

The SDF advances to Manbij.

On July 16, the Fars News Agency and later also Reuters reported that the SDF had taken Watanî hospital, which served as the ISIS command post. During the ensuing fighting around the hospital and in the neighborhoods, an American with the battle name Heval Agir, who was a member of the YPG, was killed.

On July 18 and 19, the IS attacked from three sides, the attack in the north on the Sādschūr failed completely and claimed 111 deaths on the part of the IS. In the south, however, IS was able to capture Mount Al-Aqra and the villages of Umm Al-Sirraj and Qarah Saghirah.

On July 21, the SDF issued a 48-hour ultimatum to ISIS to leave the city with only light weapons. The IS did not respond. The US Army Colonel and spokesman for the American forces in Syria and Iraq, Christopher Garver, spoke of very intense fighting that exceeded the battles for Fallujah and Ramadi. On July 22nd, the SDF reported that 90% of the western city was under control, although there was still some resistance. An attack by IS outside the siege on July 24th was repulsed by heavy fighting. A day later, the SDF had completely captured the Bannawi district and attacked al-Kejeli. The IS placed many booby traps and bombs when it withdrew from the neighborhood.

Second major counter-offensive by IS

On July 28, IS attacked in the west and, according to its own statements, was able to conquer the villages of Yalanli, Qatwyran (Qurt Wiran), Qart, Al-Buwyr, Al-Jamousyah and Al-Dandaniyah. As a result, 24 civilians were executed in Al-Buwyr. Furthermore, IS is said to have recaptured the Bannawi district. The pro-Kurdish agency ANHA (Hawar News Agency) denied the conquest of the villages and only reported fighting near Bozgich and Misherfat in the northwest. In addition, the SDF conquered the al-Kejeli district.

Fight for the last positions of the IS and conquer the city

SDF fighters advance towards the city center.

While IS continued its attacks in the countryside on July 31, the SDF achieved a series of breakthroughs in the city itself. SDF fighters captured the Al-Na'imi and Mestosaf neighborhoods, the Ghazania school and much of the Al- Jazeera street. According to SOHR, by then the SDF had captured 40% of Manbij, while Reuters reports that it was 70%, mainly in the west, east and north of the city. As a result, IS forces were mostly confined to the old neighborhoods in the central and southern city. By that time, 40,000 to 50,000 of the civilian population of Manbij had fled the city, with a number of locals staying and volunteering with the SDF and beginning training to fight IS. Sometime in July, prominent Australian IS battalion commander Ezzit Raad was also killed in the city.

On August 1, the SDF captured the village of Jib Nashama south of Manbij. The next day, the SDF fighters managed to break through the IS front line in Manbij and capture the Bujiya roundabout in the city center and the Bashar roundabout in the south. SDF advances since late July had reduced IS forces in Manbij to a number of isolated pockets, with various news outlets claiming the SDF had taken over 60–80% of the city. On August 3, there was still bitter fighting on Al-Jazeera Street, where SDF fighters from the north and south tried to cut off IS troops in the east from the city center, where most IS forces began to withdraw. Meanwhile, the isolated IS group in Tetbekat prison in western Manbij continued to offer resistance. It was also reported that two other foreign YPG volunteers were killed in the wake of the fighting in the city: Dean Carl Evans, a British citizen and Martin Gruden, a Slovenian citizen.

Situation on August 5th

SDF fighters continued their advance in the following days and conquered the village of Mankuba outside Manbij as well as the al-Hal market, the al-Thor school, the Sinaa and al-Tal neighborhoods in the city itself August 5, the SDF claimed to have taken over 90% of the city. Despite these recent successes, fighting in the city continued and the SDF sent reinforcements to the city. Pro-opposition media reported that 300 Asayish members who were ordered to join the battle refused and were subsequently arrested.

At the end of August 6, the SDF overran IS positions in several parts of Manbij, bringing the city almost completely under their control. This led to a number of false reports that the entire city had now been conquered, although fierce fighting was still going on. Most importantly, ISIS still held the Al-Sirb neighborhood and parts of the central market where a small IS counter-attack failed that same day. The next day, the SDF claimed to have captured the central market, as well as the Bazaar and Sheikh Eqîl neighborhoods. Heavy fighting continued for some other parts of the city center where IS fighters had taken many civilians hostage to use as human shields.

SDF fighters in Manbij

On August 8, the SDF claimed they had taken over 90% of the city center, with IS mostly limited to a small pocket in the northern city. However, as part of their retreat to the northern pocket, IS fighters took civil hostages with them. Because of this, the SDF offered a new deal in the form of a free transition out of town when the militants released all civilians. The YPG also announced that another foreign volunteer, the Egyptian Badin al-Imam, had been killed during the Battle of Manbij.

Meanwhile, a meeting of representatives for more than sixty local Arab tribes was organized with the SDF and the city council in the village of Abu Abrus to discuss the future of the entire Manbij region after ISIS. The Manbij city council wanted Manbij to fully join the Rojava Federation, although self-government or complete independence from Rojava were proposed as alternatives. SDF officials said that everyone should participate in the administration of the city, regardless of whether they are against or for the SDF. On the other hand, SOHR claimed that the SDF had expelled Arabs from the Manbij area; The SDF leadership said no, saying that the affected villages have not yet been cleared of mines and released for residents to return. An SDF official argued that "after three days of displacement, some civilians are already complaining that they cannot return to their village, which is not realistic and they have to wait."

On August 9, IS fighters were still holding parts of the cultural center, Emel Hospital, a hotel, the security intersection, the post office, the Al-Mûxeta market, the Al-Serab and Al-Cura neighborhoods, the agricultural school and of Jarablusstrasse, which she still fiercely defended. Other bags, such as Tetbekat Prison, fell to the SDF, while al-Masdar News estimated that only about 100 ISIS fighters, mostly snipers, and their families were in Manbij. Nonetheless, the few remaining IS fighters held around 1,000 civilian hostages, making any air strikes and major attacks extremely difficult for the anti-IS coalition.

On August 10, seven IS "inghimasi" suicide bombers and fighters attacked a US outpost near the Tischrin Dam and tried to cause as much damage as possible. The pro-IS Amaq news agency claimed that at least 41 US soldiers and Kurdish militants were killed, mostly by explosives, in the resulting clashes. On the same day, the YPG announced the death of US volunteer Jordan MacTaggart during the fighting in Manbij.

SDF fighters with civilians who have been held hostage by IS

On August 12, the SDF announced that they had launched a final attack to conquer the last pockets of ISIS resistance. The remaining IS forces left Manbij later that day with around 500 vehicles in the direction of Jarabulus. How the IS forces could withdraw unmolested was much debated. The SOHR reported that a secret trade had taken place, with all pro-IS forces being allowed to leave peacefully after the hostages were released. The SDF leadership, on the other hand, claimed that the IS forces took 2,000 civilians with them as human shields in order to flee to Jarabulus. Fars News reported another version of the events: According to it, there was a deal that allowed the ISIS fighters to leave the city with their civilian supporters, but they had also taken some civilians hostage to prevent the coalition from their convoy bombed. After the IS fighters left, the SDF declared the city completely captured and then began conducting further operations in the surrounding area.

Further offensive in the surrounding area and towards Jarabulus

Two days after the capture of Manbijs, the creation of the Al-Bab military council was announced for the planned offensive to take Al-Bab from the IS. Thousands of displaced people have now started to return to Manbij, although much of the city had been destroyed and many ISIS mines and booby traps remained. There was also no electricity, running water, or medical care in the city. The SDF began to lay defensive lines in the outskirts of the city to defend against possible IS attacks.

On August 15, the Manbij military council announced that it would continue the offensive to capture the countryside south and northeast of Manbij. The next day, the SDF captured three villages in the southwestern landscape from the IS. On August 18 and 19, the SDF took over a number of villages in the northern, northeastern and southern countryside. By August 20, the SDF had captured 16 villages since the capture of Manbij. The Manbij military council issued a statement on August 19 that the SDF had transferred control of Manbij and its fighters had withdrawn from the city. At this point, the SDF stated that they had succeeded in establishing a line of defense against ISIS north of the Sadjur River and ending their offensive in the north. As a result, the SDF began to intensify its offensive in the southern environs and on August 21 to take Al-Kasra and another village in the region.

Despite the fact that the SDF had announced the end of their operations north of Manbij, three SDF groups declared the formation of the Jarabulus Military Council on August 22 to remove Jarabulus from ISIS. The new council had a very negative attitude towards Turkey, which the council members held responsible for supporting ISIS and warned "the Turkish state of the drastic consequences of its aggressive actions against the Syrian territories and their components, especially in our region Jarablos ". Only a few hours after this declaration, the leader of the council, Abdel Sattar al-Jader, was murdered by unknown riflemen in al-Shyoukh on the front line of the Sadjour River. Al-Masdar News stated that the attackers might be members of IS, as al-Jabar was shot near the front. On the same day, the SDF captured 8 villages south of Manbij while the Turkish army fired about 20 rounds of artillery strikes across the border with howitzers on SDF positions near Manbij after several shells from Syria hit Turkey.

On August 24th, the SDF continued their advance in the south by fending off a small IS counter-offensive and taking another village. When Turkey and several Turkish-backed FSA groups started their offensive to capture Jarabulus from IS, 3,000 civilians allegedly fled from there to the SDF-controlled areas. US Vice President Joe Biden called on the same day that the YPG hand over Manbij to the Arab SDF forces and withdraw to the eastern side of the Euphrates. The YPG initially refused to withdraw, while the Jarabulus Military Council declared that they would not hand over their hometown to the Turkish-backed rebel groups, which they considered "no different from ISIS". As a result, the Turkish-backed FSA units attempted forcibly into the SDF-held village of Amarinah, where they faced resistance and were eventually evicted by the SDF. Foreign Minister John Kerry assured Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on August 25 that the SDF had started to withdraw to the eastern side of the Euphrates. A coalition spokesman later announced that the SDF had withdrawn across the Euphrates River in preparation for an offensive on ar-Raqqa. The YPG later announced that it had withdrawn east of the Euphrates and said that all military authority, along with all positions held by the YPG, would be given to the Manbij Military Council.

Meanwhile, the SDF units continued their offensive against IS when they took control of seven villages south of Jarabulus before the Turkish-backed rebels could intercept them. On August 26 and 27, the SDF captured several IS villages south of the Tishrin Dam, with the Manbij military council later declaring that it would send its forces north to support the Jarabulus military council in its fight against Turkey and Turkey Turkish-backed rebels to help.


When the Turkish-backed rebels overran the SDF positions near Jarabulus, the IS took advantage of the fighting to launch a counterattack in the southern area and retake the village of Huthan on August 29th. On September 3, the YPG and YPJ repulsed an attack on the village of Til Osman twelve kilometers southeast of the Tischrin Dam, and captured several small arms and ammunition after killing three ISIS fighters and capturing two. On September 10, IS forces launched another counterattack aimed at capturing the villages of Khan al-Homr and Tal Aswad.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c "Manbij operation will continue until ISIS is completely expelled" . Anf News. August 15, 2016. Retrieved August 16, 2016.
  2. a b c d US coalition spokesman: Arabs are leading Manbij campaign, not Kurds - ARA News . June 4, 2016. Archived from the original on June 6, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  3. a b c d US-backed fighters close in on IS Syria bastion . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  4. ^ A b c Residents desperate as anti-IS forces move on Manbij . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  5. a b Leith Fadel: US backed rebels reach outskirts of ISIS stronghold . June 4, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  6. ^ El Pentágono no ve riesgo de choque en Siria con fuerzas y aliados de Asad . Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  7. Chris Tomson: ISIS suffers new territorial losses in eastern Aleppo - Map update . al-masdar News. June 9, 2016. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  8. a b The results of Manbij liberation announced - ANHA . Archived from the original on August 15, 2016. Retrieved on August 15, 2016.
  9. a b c d The third US citizen fighter is killed in Manbij area and casualty number rises to about 1800 civilians and fighters
  10. a b c d Izat Charkatli: SDF advancing on Manbij's city center: Field Report . July 22, 2016.
  11. ^ US-backed forces say launch final assault against Islamic State in Syria's Manbij = . German wave. August 12, 2016. Retrieved August 12, 2016.
  12. ^ A b U.S.-backed forces cut off all routes into IS-held Manbij: Syrian Observatory . June 10, 2016. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  13. UN warns Manbij battle could uproot more than 200,000 Syrians . In: Hürriyet Daily News . June 7, 2016.
  14. Revisiting Train and Equip in Syria to Clear the Manbij Pocket . May 30, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  15. a b c Exclusive: US-backed Syria forces launch offensive for Manbij pocket - US officials . June 1, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  16. a b Fights to Retake Fallujah, Manbij City From ISIL Begin . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  17. Carter says Islamic State used Manbij to plot against US, Europe, Turkey . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  18. ^ The formation of a new Manbij Military Council to expel Daesh from Manbij, Aleppo . In: All4Syria . 2nd April 2016.
  19. Military council formed and announced on Tishrin Dam, statement says: "We will make every effort to capture Manbij" . In: Live UA Map . 2nd April 2016.
  20. Several SDF factions have formed the military council for Manbij . In: Live UA Map . 2nd April 2016.
  21. a b Turkey has two demands from US for support in Manbij operation: Sources . In: Hürriyet Daily News . 
  22. a b Turkey not contributing to US-backed Syria operation near Manbij: Source . In: Hürriyet Daily News . 
  23. a b Turkish intel 'closely watching' anti-ISIL operation near its border: Erdoğan . In: Hürriyet Daily News . 
  24. ^ Ignoring Turkey, US backs Kurds in drive against ISIS in Syria . In: The Washington Post . June 1, 2016. Accessed June 3, 2016.
  25. ^ Wladimir van Wilgenburg: Kurds, rebels in rat race to seize ISIS territory . Retrieved May 30, 2016.
  26. ^ Kurds set up new civilian council for recapturing Syria's Manbij from ISIS . In: ARA News . April 6, 2016. Archived from the original on April 7, 2016. Retrieved on April 6, 2016.
  27. ^ A b On the Front Line in the Bloody Fight to Take Manbij From ISIS . In: The Daily Beast , June 5, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016. 
  28. Syria conflict: US-backed fighters 'advance on IS-held Manbij' , BBC. June 1, 2016. Accessed June 4, 2016. 
  29. US, PYD hit ISIL in Syria, Turkey doesn't take part . In: Hürriyet Daily News . 
  30. Zen Adra: SDF inch closer to ISIS-held Manbij . June 1, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  31. Battle of Manbij: Evening of June 1 2016 . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  32. a b Syrian Civil War Map 2016 - 01/06/2016: SDF merges Manbij fronts . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  33. ^ Leith Fadel: US backed rebels advance in northeast Aleppo . June 2, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  34. Leading FSA commander heavily injured in Manbij operation, moved to Iraqi Kurdistan for treatment . In: ARA News . June 4, 2016. Archived from the original on June 6, 2016. Retrieved June 4, 2016.
  35. Top Syrian Kurdish commander killed in push on IS-held Raqqa . 5th June 2016.
  36. Chris Tomson: Syrian Democratic Forces inch closer to Islamic State stronghold of Manbij . In: Al-Masdar News . June 3, 2016. Retrieved June 4, 2016.
  37. ^ US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces advance against ISIS near Manbij, liberate eight villages . In: ARA News . June 4, 2016. Archived from the original on September 9, 2016. Retrieved on June 4, 2016.
  38. SDF-led Manbij Military Council cuts off ISIS supply route between Raqqa and Manbij . In: ARA News . June 5, 2016. Archived from the original on June 6, 2016. Retrieved June 5, 2016.
  39. SDF take control on more areas in Menbej countryside . Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  40. Chris Tomson: ISIS on high alert as the Syrian Democratic Forces encircle Manbij city - Map update . June 6, 2016. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  41. US-backed force says Islamic State fleeing Syrian city . June 6, 2016.
  42. Chris Tomson: ISIS on the verge of losing Manbij city in eastern Aleppo - Map update . June 7, 2016. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  43. ^ Rebels push IS back from Turkish border as Manbij showdown looms . June 8, 2016.
  44. US-backed Forces Tighten Grip Around Islamic State in Syria's Manbij - VICE News . Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  45. SDF kills about 50 IS around Menbej . SOHR. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
  46. Zen Adra: US-backed fighters tighten grip on Manbij, kill top ISIS Emir - Map Update . al-masdar News. June 9, 2016. Retrieved June 10, 2016.
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