Manfred Lappe

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Manfred Lappe (born June 20, 1961 in Düsseldorf ) is a German non-fiction author and court expert in Austria. He was best known as the author of advisory literature.


After completing school, Manfred Lappe trained as an industrial clerk and studied business administration at the University of Cologne (degree: Diplom-Kaufmann). After his community service, he worked as a management consultant in the banking and investment company sector. a. at Accenture , then speaker of the board of a securities trading bank in Germany. He has lived in Vienna since 2003 and is a. a. worked as a court expert in the fields of securities and funds as well as loans . He is a management consultant and writes advice.

Most of the guidebooks are published by the Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI) and deal with financial topics such as budget planning, investments, loans, pension provision and taxes. The VKI is a non-profit and independent consumer protection organization in Austria. The book Public Relations in der Altenhilfe was written during his community service as a public consultant at the Marie Juchacz Center in Cologne. Everything is regulated in the book . In the consumer care book , the author deals with self-determined aging by means of a health care proxy , living will and will .

He has been a voluntary member of the board since 2007 and has been chairman of the Club Max Reinhardt Seminar, the sponsoring association of the Max Reinhardt Seminar , since 2008 .

Works (selection)

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