Manouri ( Greek Μανούρι ) is a Greek cream cheese related to ricotta with a fat content of around 60–80% fat i. Tr. which is mainly made from the whey of sheep and / or goat milk. It is soft, white and barkless and is offered in the form of balls, sausages or blunt cones with a diameter of around 12 cm and a length of 20 cm and a weight of around 1 kg. Its dough has no break holes and tastes mildly whey-milk-like and hardly salty, with a slight lemon aroma in the finish, which is why it is also popular for desserts in its home country. It is also suitable as a topping on bread or as an ingredient in salads and is also excellent for gratinating casseroles. It is also available as an air-dried cheese. It has been traditionally made in the center and west of Macedonia and in Thessaly since at least the 19th century . The name Manouri has been protected by the PDO seal since 1996 and may only be produced using traditional techniques in cheese dairies in the geographically established area of origin of the Larisa region .
The whey (used in the production of feta , batzos and other cheeses) is enriched with sheep and / or goat milk and / or cream made from sheep or goat milk until it reaches a fat content of 2.5%. The mixture is heated to 88-90 ° C. for 40-45 minutes with constant stirring. At 70-75 ° C, 1% table salt is added to the mixture , along with another 25% sheep or goat milk or cream. When the temperature has reached 88-90 ° C, which is broken for 15-30 minutes and then subsequently suspended in cloth sacks to drain during a four- to five-hour drying phase. Today it is usually sealed in plastic film and stored at 4–5 ° C until it is sold.
Web links
- Manouri (German)
Individual evidence
- ↑ European Commission ( Memento of the original from March 9, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. : "LIST OF REGISTERED NAMES UNDER REGULATION (EEC) NO 2081/92 AND REGULATION (EEC) NO 2082/92" (PDF document, English, Annex II, p. 37; 235 kB)