Manuel Tapia

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Manuel Tapia Portus (born March 23, 1835 in San Felipe ; † October 9, 1915 ibid) was a Chilean painter and photographer.

After a military career, which he completed as a lieutenant in the Batallón Cívico of San Felipe, he went to the Academia de Pintura in Santiago with the support of Gregorio Miras and the industrialist José Tomás Urmeneta , where he was a student of Alejandro Ciccarelli . He also took lessons from the photographer Bernardo Janson and worked as a portrait photographer . Battle paintings such as Batalla de El Roble , O'Higgins en la Batalla de Chacabuco and Batalla de Mapú , some of which are owned by the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Museo Histórico Nacional in Santiago, have remained famous.

In addition, Tapia was active in public life. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge of San Felipe, became councilor of the city in 1884 and was one of the founders of the Asamblea Radical , of which he became president in 1885. He also ran an art academy where he taught the ladies of his town's society.

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