Marco Antonio Campos

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Marco Antonio Campos

Marco Antonio Campos (* 1949 in Mexico City ) is a Mexican poet, prose writer, essayist and literary translator. He is the director of the Encuentro de Poetas del Mundo Latino, a highly regarded literary event in the Spanish-speaking world.

Works (selection)

  • Muertos y disfraces (1974)
  • Monologues (1985)
  • Los adioses del forastero (1996)
  • Viernes en Jerusalén (2005)
  • Dime dónde, en qué país (2010)


  • Premio Xavier Villaurrutia (1992)
  • Premio Iberoamericano Ramón López Velarde for poetry (2010)
  • Pablo Neruda Medal of Honor (2004)
  • Premio Casa de América for Poetry (2005)

Literary translations

Marco Antonio Campos has translated works by Charles Baudelaire , Arthur Rimbaud , André Gide , Antonin Artaud , Giuseppe Ungaretti , Salvatore Quasimodo , Cesare Pavese , Georg Trakl and Carlos Drummond de Andrade , among others . His own poems have been translated into English, French, German, Italian and Dutch.

Web links