Carlos Drummond de Andrade

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Carlos Drummond de Andrade (born October 31, 1902 in Itabira , Minas Gerais , † August 17, 1987 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian poet.


Sculpture in front of the Itabiras Cultural Center

The son of an upper-class family ended his school days in Itabira ( Minas Gerais ), Belo Horizonte and with the Jesuits in Nova Friburgo ( RJ ) with a reprimand for “spiritual non-subordination”. In 1921 he began working for the Diário de Minas newspaper . In 1925, under pressure from the family, he completed a pharmacy degree in Ouro Preto ; however, he has little interest in this profession. At that time, as editor of the Diário de Minas, he had already made contact with the modernists of São Paulo and founded the magazine A Revista .

In 1928 his first poem, No meio do Caminho ( In the Middle of the Way ) appears. His ties to his homeland are expressed, for example, in the poem O maior trem do mundo ( The longest train in the world ). Later works, mostly written in the first person, find their poetry in the simple things of being, such as O amor natural , a collection of erotic poems from the last years of his life, which, at his request, were only published after his death in 1987.

In 1934 he moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he worked as head of the cabinet of Education Minister Gustavo Capanema until 1945 . He then worked for the Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional , a kind of monument and cultural office, until 1962 . During the entire time he also writes for various newspapers and journals.

During the Second World War he dealt with the oppression in his poetry. In addition to poetry, he published a number of essays and volumes of prose. He also translated well-known works from French into Portuguese. In 1982 he was awarded the Prêmio Juca Pato . Since 1975 he has been an honorary foreign member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters .

Only volumes of poetry by Drummond de Andrade have been published in German.


  • Alguma poesia (1930)
  • Brejo das almas (1934)
  • Em Sentimento do mundo (1940)
  • José (1942)
  • A rosa do povo (1945)
  • O amor natural (posthumously 1987)

German selection:

  • Poems. Portuguese / German, transl. Curt Meyer-Clason, Library Suhrkamp 1982


  • 2002 Brazil: 20 reals commemorative coin for the 100th anniversary of his birth. Gold-900fein, 8 g. 2500 pieces
  • 2002 Brazil: 2 reals commemorative coin for the 100th anniversary of his birth. Silver-999 fine, 28 g. 7000 pieces

Web links

Commons : Carlos Drummond de Andrade  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Honorary Members: Carlos Drummond de Andrade. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed March 8, 2019 .