Marco Petta

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Marco Petta OSBas (born January 15, 1921 in Piana degli Albanesi near Palermo , Sicily , † September 26, 2007 in Grottaferrata ) was a Catholic priest and abbot of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata .

Marco Petta joined the monastic order of the Basilians and was ordained a priest on April 5, 1945 . For many years he was the monastery librarian. As such, he investigated the origin of Greek manuscripts in the Biblioteca Criptense that were not created in the monastery scriptorium. He was also editor of the Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata , an academic journal on the history of Greek monasticism, hagiography and codicology . In 1994 he was elected Abbot of Santa Maria in Grottaferrata , an Italo-Byzantine monastery belonging to the Order of the Basilians as a territorial abbey . In 2000, his age-related resignation was granted.

Publications (selection)

  • Appunti di bibliografia albanese: opere non segnalate nella Bibliographie Albanaise di Legrand-Guys e possedute dalla Biblioteca Criptense . In: BBGG 9, 1955, pp. 28-42
  • Inni inediti di Iob Monaco . In: BBGG 19, 1965, pp. 82-139
  • Le fiere di Grottaferrata . Grottaferrata 1992
  • Tre manoscritti greci della chiesa parrocchiale di Galatone . In: BBGG 24, 1970
  • L'inventario dei manoscritti criptensi del p. Placido Schiappacasse . In: BBGG 34, 1980, pp. 3-36
  • Apollinare Agresta, abate generale basiliano (1621-1695) . Mammola 1981
  • La erezione dell'Abbazia di Grottaferrata a Monastero Esarchico . In: BBGG 42, 1988, pp. 143-160
  • Fonti per la storia del monachesimo basiliano nei secoli XVI-XVIII esistenti nell'archivio della Badia di Grottaferrata. In: BBGG 1963, pp. 29-36


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Proof in Opac SBN
  2. Proof in Opac SBN