Marcos de Torres y Rueda

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Marcos de Torres y Rueda, Viceroy of New Spain

Marcos de Torres y Rueda (* 1588 , according to other sources April 25, 1591 , in Almazán, Soria , Spain ; † April 22, 1649 in Mexico City ) was a Spanish bishop of the Roman Catholic Church , who temporarily served as viceroy of New Spain officiated.


Origin and career in Europe

Torres comes from Spain; There are different details about the year of his birth. In addition to 1591, 1588 is also given as the year of birth. He entered church service in Spain, was ordained a priest and studied theology. He officiated as Canon of Burgos Cathedral .

Term of office in Mexico

King Philip IV appointed him bishop of Yucatán , which was part of the viceroyalty of New Spain, in 1644, with confirmation from Pope Innocent X.

He reached his bishopric after his consecration in Puebla in November 1646. Shortly afterwards, in July 1647, Philip appointed him interim viceroy, who was to replace the viceroy García Sarmiento de Sotomayor, who had been transferred to Peru .

He served less than a year from May 15, 1648 until his death. During his term of office, the Autodafé fell on April 11 and 12, 1649, in which 107 defendants were killed by the Inquisition for heresy. By then, Torres was too sick to be present at the executions. He died soon after in Mexico City.

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predecessor Office successor
García Sarmiento de Sotomayor Viceroy of New Spain
Luis Enríquez de Guzmán