Marcus Fulvius Curvus Paetinus

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Marcus Fulvius Curvus Paetinus was a member of the Roman plebeian family of the Fulvians and 305 BC. Chr. Suffect consul .


According to the filiation given in the Triumphal Acts, both the father and the grandfather of Marcus Fulvius Curvus Paetinus carried the prenomen Lucius . While the Fasti Capitolini in 305 BC BC only the beginning of Fulvius' name has been preserved and the Roman historian Titus Livius only calls him Marcus Fulvius , the Triumphal Acts also cite his two Cognomina Curvus Paetinus as the only preserved source . Because both epithets are derived from physical peculiarities and because they only occur individually in the other Fulvians, the ancient historian Friedrich Münzer considers the indication of the triumphal acts suspicious and believes that at least the second cognomen Paetinus (ie "the squint") is unhistorical.

Suffect consulate

Fulvius is only mentioned on the occasion of his suffect consulate in 305 BC. Mentioned. In this year the Romans were able to victoriously end the Second Samnite War . According to the main report reproduced by Livius, the consuls Lucius Postumius Megellus and Tiberius Minucius Augurinus won a battle at Bovianum brilliantly against the Samnites and captured their general Statius Gellius and many other war opponents. Both consuls are said to have conquered Bovianum shortly afterwards and celebrated a triumph . Livy adds, however, that other sources reported Minucius' death as a result of being wounded in battle, whereupon Fulvius was appointed consul suffect and conquered Bovianum at the head of the troops of the late Minucius. The latter version is confirmed by the Fasti Capitolini as well as the Triumphal Acts, which record a triumph of Fulvius over the Samnites.



  1. ^ Friedrich Münzer: Fulvius 47). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VII, 1, Stuttgart 1910, Col. 237.
  2. ^ Livy 9:44, 15.