Marcus Tullius

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Marcus Tullius was a Roman official in the Campanian city ​​of Pompeii . He belonged to the important Tullier family , who lived mainly in central Italy and whose most important representative was Marcus Tullius Cicero .

Marcus Tullius' branch of the Tulli family probably came to the city of Pompeii at the time of Sulla , i.e. during the establishment of the colony. Marcus Tullius was to become its most important representative in Pompeii when he held several important offices in the city during the Augustan period. To the north of the forum he had a Fortuna Augusta temple built on his own property for the imperial cult , which was primarily intended to bind the poorer classes and slaves to the imperial cult. On the building inscription , Tullius boasts of having been duumvir with jurisdiction three times , including when the temple was built in the fifth year. He was also an augur and a popularly elected military tribune . The office of the military tribune in particular was something special. This title, to which no military office was attached, was bestowed personally by Augustus. Apart from Rome, it was only awarded in Augustan times and within Italy. With the office the possibility of advancement to the knighthood was connected.
