Margaret Morris

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Margaret Morris (born in London in 1891 ; died on February 29, 1980 in Glasgow ) was a British actress and dance teacher.


Margaret Morris started acting at a young age and studied classical ballet . In 1909 she met Raymond Duncan , the brother of the dancer Isadora Duncan . He taught her the "Greek positions" that Duncan had reconstructed from vases and wall paintings of ancient Greece. These basic positions, which emphasize the body's natural opposition movement, were adopted by Morris and made the basis of her specially developed dance system, which we know today as the Margaret Morris Method (MMM). In 1910 she opened her first school in London and became London's youngest actress / manager with her own theater in Chelsea .

When she saw a significant improvement in the general health of her students, Morris became interested in the healing and therapeutic possibilities of her method. She studied and qualified as a physiotherapist . She also developed a system for noting movements in writing ( dance writing ). Their method spread in the 1920s and 30s until Margaret Morris moved to Glasgow with her husband in 1939, at the outbreak of World War II . There she founded the Celtic Ballet of Scotland , which toured France and the United States after the war. The success of this group led to the creation of the Scottish National Ballet in 1960 .

Her husband's death the following year forced her to abandon her plans. She returned to London to revive Margaret Morris' method, which had been fragmented in the war and post-war years.

Margaret Morris died in Glasgow on February 29, 1980. She was still granted the satisfaction of seeing that MMM had grown into an international organization. After Margaret Morris died, Jim Hastie (1936-2010), Life President / Artistic Director, continued her work. The Margaret Morris method and its dissemination is now essentially managed by the International Association of MMM Ltd. organized.


  • Margaret Morris dancing (1925)
  • The Notation of Movement (1928)
  • My Galsworthy Story (1967)
  • My Life in Movement (1969) ISBN 0-7206-5208-1
  • Creation in Dance and Life (1972)
  • The Art of JD Fergusson (1974)