Margarethe of Braunschweig-Lüneburg

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Margarethe von Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg

Margarethe von Braunschweig-Lüneburg , often also Margaretha von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (born April 6, 1573 in Celle , † August 7, 1643 ibid) was Duchess of Saxony-Coburg by marriage .


Margarethe was a daughter of Duke Wilhelm the Younger of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and his wife Dorothea of ​​Denmark .

She married on 16 September 1599 Coburg Duke Johann Casimir of Saxe-Coburg. Most of the wedding guests stayed at Schloss Heldburg before and during the wedding celebration . The gilded float used for this occasion, which was part of her mother Dorothea's dowry, is one of the oldest still functional carriages in the world and is on display at the Coburg Fortress.

On the occasion of this marriage, Johann Casimir had the so-called Coburg Taler minted . On the obverse of the coin there is a deeply kissing couple, Johann Casimir and Margarethe, with the inscription HOW KSSEN THE TWO SO FEIN, on the other side a nun with the words: WHO KVST ME - POOR NVNNELIN. A engraving was made next to the commemorative coin, which shows the princely bride and groom lying next to each other, while in the distance a nun stands sighing and in the background the Sonnefeld Monastery and the Coburg Fortress. The text on the engraving is the same as on the thaler. The nun depicted in each case is said to be Johann Casimir's first wife Anna (who was a cousin of Margarethe!), Whom he had cast out for adultery and who was imprisoned in Sonnefeld at the time of the marriage.

Margaret's marriage was happy, but like her husband's first marriage, it remained childless. The Duchy of Saxony-Coburg therefore lost its independence after Johann Casimir's death in 1633 and fell to his brother Johann Ernst . Margarethe went back to Celle and died there in 1643. She was buried in the princely crypt in the town church of St. Mary in Celle.


  • Thomas Nicklas: The House of Saxony-Coburg - Europe's late dynasty. Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-17-017243-3 .
  • Carl Kiesewetter: Faust in history and tradition , Georg Olms Verlag 1978
  • Sigismund Librowicz: The kiss and the kiss , LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster, 2004

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References and comments

  1. ^ For the princely supplement of Duke Johann Casimir's at Heldburg Castle and in Coburg see: Norbert Klaus Fuchs: Das Heldburger Land - a historical travel guide; Rockstuhl Publishing House, Bad Langensalza, 2013, ISBN 978-3-86777-349-2
  2. Dieter Brosius: Duchess Dorothea in: Winsener Schriften Volume 4 (Ed. Heimat- und Museumsverein Winsen), 1991
  3. ^ Duke Johann Casimir von Sachsen-Coburg 1564 - 1633; Exhibition for the 400th anniversary of his birthday ; October-November 1964 (exhibition catalog), publisher: Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg.
  4. ^ Johann Adolph von Schultes: Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeldische Landesgeschichte . First Department, Section 2, Section XIV. Coburg 1818.
  5. Hans-Joachim Böttcher: Little and bad was the time of my life - Anna von Sachsen (1567-1613) . Dresdner Buchverlag, Dresden 2016, ISBN 978-3-941757-70-7 , p. 116-117 .
  6. NN : The princely crypt and the grave slabs of the dukes of Braunschweig-Lüneburg in the city church of St. Marien Celle , with photos by Dietrich Klatt, Friedrich Kremzow and Ralf Pfeiffer illustrated leaflet , in DIN A5 format (4 pages, o. O., o . D.) designed by Heide Kremzow , based on: Dietrich Klatt: Kleiner Kunstführer Schnell & Steiner No. 1986 , 2008
  7. Note: The date of birth 1774 on the leaflet (see literature) differs from the date 1583 given so far (as of 01/2013) in the Wikipedia article Margarethe von Braunschweig-Lüneburg without individual reference