Margrith von Felten

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Margrith von Felten

Margrith von Felten (born December 30, 1944 in Basel ; legal resident in Basel, Winznau and Stein ) is a Swiss politician ( SP , now BastA ).

Von Felten is a lawyer. From 1988 to 1992 she represented the Social Democrats in the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt . From 1991 she was a national councilor . In August 1998 she resigned from the SP. The reason given was political differences with the party's line, especially in economic policy, which was not geared enough towards the environment. In the general election in 1998, she ran on a joint left-green-feminist list, but the left-wing lost the seat. Since 2001 she has been a member of the Grand Council again, this time for the BastA party.

Von Felten is widowed and has two children.

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