Mari Yonehara

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Mari Yonehara ( Japanese 米 原 万里 , Yonehara Mari ; born April 29, 1950 in Tokyo , † May 25, 2006 in Kamakura ) was a well-known Japanese writer .


Her father Itaru Yonehara was a member of parliament . The novelist Hisashi Inoue is her brother-in-law . She spent her childhood in Czechoslovakia , where she learned Russian . She later studied Russian and Russian literature at the Tokyo Foreign Language University ; then she became a simultaneous interpreter and translator . From 1995 to 1997 she was chairman of the Russian Translator Society in Japan.

She received the Yomiuri Literature Prize for a report on the world of interpreters. She received the Ōya Sōichi Prize for non-fictional literature for the work "The Absolute Truth of Anya, the Liar" ( 嘘 つ き ア ー ニ ャ の 真 っ 赤 な 真 実 ). She won several literary awards for her books.

She was a senior member of the Japanese PEN club .