Maria Elena Panzacchi

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Maria Elena Panzacchi (* 1668 in Bologna , † 1737 ) was an Italian painter of the Baroque .

She was a student of Emilio Taruffi and painted portraits and landscapes, nothing more is known about her. An early, but little content-rich, biographical presentation provides Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi 1753. Ercole Agostino Berro (1623-1696) to be accorded in 1687 two sonnets have dedicated.



  1. Mentioned in Germaine Greer : The Obstacle Race. The Fortunes of Women Painters and Their Work. Farrar, Straus, Giroux, New York 1979, ISBN 1-86064-677-8 , p. 225 (in the chapter: The Bolognese Phenomenon , wrongly called Ercole Bevo).