Maria Santissima Assunta (Palermo)

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Santa Maria Santissima Assunta , called Chiesa dell'Assunta is a Baroque church in Palermo .

The baroque church in Via Maqueda was built between 1625 and 1628 as part of a monastery at the instigation of Giovanna della Cerda, wife of Antonio Moncade, Duke of Montalto . Pilasters with Corinthian capitals lead from four massive plinths to the cantilevered entablature . The relatively low upper area is closed off by a flat gable. Under the entablature dominate the coat of arms of the noble family Moncada and the marble plaque framed with cartouches , garlands and volutes , dated 1662. The interior of the single-nave church is decorated with elaborate stucco ornaments and allegorical standing figures made of stucco.Filippo Tancredi (or Antonio Grano ) created frescoes with episodes from the life of St. Therese on the side walls, the nave ceiling and in the presbytery after 1710. By Guglielmo Borremans four panel pictures are "scenes from the life of St. Magdalene de Pazzi" (1716) and Gaspare Serenario created the painting "Saint Therese of Avila"


  • Adriana Chirco: Palermo la città ritrovata. Flaccovio, Palermo 2002, ISBN 88-7758-469-6 .
  • Pierfrancesco Palazzotto: Palermo. Guida agli oratori. Confraternite, compagnie e congregazioni dal XVI al XIX secolo . Kalós, Palermo 2004, ISBN 88-89224-07-X .
  • Donald Garstang: Serpotta. Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 2006, ISBN 88-7804-402-4 .

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Coordinates: 38 ° 6 ′ 42.1 ″  N , 13 ° 21 ′ 51.4 ″  E