Gaspare Serenario

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Gaspare Serenario, Biblioteca comunale di Palermo

Gaspare Serenario (* 1694 or 1707 in Palermo ; † 1759 ibid) was an Italian Baroque painter from Sicily .


He received his first training from the now largely unknown Martino Susinno in Palermo, then switched to the workshop of Guglielmo Borremans . Around 1730 he went to Rome to the workshop of Sebastiano Conca , whose "Accademia del Nudo" was attended by students from all over Europe. With the beginning of his independent work in Rome, he was appointed on March 1, 1739 as a member of the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon. In the following years he worked on frescoes and panel paintings in several Roman churches. On the recommendation of the Archbishop of Cosenza , Michele Maria Capece Galeota , Pope Benedict XIV raised Serenario to the rank of Cavaliere Lateranense and Conte Palatino.

Around 1750 Serenario was back in Palermo and created decorative frescoes for numerous palaces and churches, sometimes in collaboration with Vito D'Anna . After a portrait of the viceroy Eustaquio Laviefuille, the latter raised him to “direttore del mosaico della Palatina”. He died honored in 1759 and was buried in the Chiesa della Gancia in Palermo.


  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena de'Pazzi - Cappella di S. Camillo de Lellis (Rome) picture cycle
  • Chiesa di S. Maria in Trivio (Rome): paintings
  • Chiesa di S. Teresa (Rome): painting with Saints Theresa and John
  • Palazzo Conte Federico: ceiling frescoes (together with Vito d´Anna)
  • Palazzo Gangi-Valguarnera (Palermo): ceiling frescoes in the hall of mirrors
  • Palazzo Mazzarino (Palermo) frescoes on the gallery ceiling.
  • Chiesa S. Orsola - Cappella della Pieta (Palermo): Triumph of St. Ursula
  • Chiesa San Franceco di Paolo (Palermo): panel paintings around Saint Oliva
  • other buildings in Palermo: frescoes in the dome of the Casa Professa and in the Palazzo Orneto
  • Chiesa Madre in Palma di Montechiaro (Palma di Montechiaro): altarpiece
  • Museo di Castello Ursino : "Triumph of Virtue", design for the ceiling fresco of an unknown palace


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