Marianne Boheim

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Marianne Böheim , née Marianne Wulfen ( 1759 in Hamburg ; † 1824 ) was a German theater actress .


Even as a girl, Böheim entered the stage in Lübeck in 1776 under her family name Wulfen as "Louise" in the comedy The abdicated officers . In 1779 she made her debut as "Rosamunde" in Lügne . Under the direction of August Wilhelm Iffland , she was an important member of the ensemble at the Berlin Royal National Theater . In Friedrich Schiller's tragedy Maria Stuart between 1803 and 1811 she played the role of "Queen Elisabeth" fourteen times. Most often she appeared in Berlin since 1803 in the tragedy The Maid of Orleans in the role of "Queen Isabeau" on the stage. In the tragedy Phaedra by Jean Racine , performed since 1807 , she played the role of "Oenone". She and her husband Josef Michael Böheim remained valued members of this stage, to which she belonged until her death in 1824.

Her daughter Charlotte Dorothea Böheim also became a stage actress.
