Marianne Borgen

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Borgen in 2011

Marianne Borgen (born June 2, 1951 in Oslo ) is a Norwegian politician ( SV ) and mayor of Oslo since 2015 .

Borgen graduated from cand.sociol in 1979 . completed her sociology studies at the University of Oslo . Then she worked a. a. for the children's rights organization Redd Barna (part of Save the Children ). She was also head of the social and family department of the Oslo and Akershus district administrators for a while, adviser at the Norwegian Ministry of Local Administration and Labor and academic director of the children's ombudsman .

Between 1979 and 1983 Borgen was a member of the Oslo city administration, then again from 1995. Most recently she was active on the Committee on Culture and Education, before that also on the Finance Committee and the Health and Social Committee, and headed the Committee on Transport and Environment. Borgen was Sosialistisk Venstreparti's top candidate for local elections in 2007 and 2011 and finally won it in 2015, replacing Høyre Mayor Fabian Stang .

Borgen is the sister of the journalist Erling Borgen . Today she lives in Bydel Østensjø .

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