Marie Brockmann-Jerosch

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Marie Brockmann-Jerosch, portrait from 1901

Marie Brockmann-Jerosch (born April 24, 1877 in Lisbon , † November 14, 1952 in Zurich ) was a Swiss geologist and botanist .

life and work

Marie Brockmann-Jerosch is known for her sustainable research work in the fields of alpine and geobotany .

Marie Jerosch, who came from Königsberg , moved to Zurich at the age of 19. An excursion to the Rigi with the biology professor Carl Schroeter got her excited about botany. After passing the entrance examination, she studied from 1897 to 1901 at the natural sciences department of the Swiss Federal Polytechnic (today ETH Zurich ). From 1902 to 1904 she was assistant to Prof. Albert Heim . She received her doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905 for her geological work on the Säntis area . In the same year she married Heinrich Brockmann , Carl Schroeter's assistant at the time.

Like her husband, Marie Brockmann-Jerosch was also interested in ecosystems and their changes. Her work on the Ice Age history of the Alpine flora received international attention and was later largely confirmed by modern research. Even if in her new role as a housewife and mother of Marie Brockmann-Jerosch - as she put it herself in 1928 - "leisure time was of course very tight", she remained scientifically active. For example, she wrote a chapter on the history of the alpine flora for the first edition of Schroeter's basic work "The Plant Life of the Alps" from 1908. A text that she and her husband completely revised for the revised second edition of the work from 1926. But she also published about Jamaica or took part in the second international phytogeographic excursion (1913) to the USA.

After her husband's death in 1939, she succeeded him as curator of the Rübel Geobotanical Institute in Zurich, and gave lectures at the local adult education center. A few weeks before her death , the biography of her mentor Albert Heim, written together with Helene Heim and Arnold Heim , appeared.


  • Marie Brockmann-Jerosch: The Burgundy Chimney. In: Swiss Archives for Folklore = Archives suisses des traditions populaires , Vol. 44, 1947, pp. 90–116 (digitized version ).


  1. Local family book Pröbbernau and Neukrug: Maria Charlotte JEROSCH * 1877. Retrieved December 28, 2019
  2. Brockmann-Jerosch, Marie. In: Gustav Keckeis : Lexicon of women . Volume 1, Encyclios, Zurich 1953.
  3. ^ Marie Brockmann-Jerosch: Review . In: Swiss Association of Women Academics (Ed.): The study of women at Swiss universities . Zurich 1928, p. 74-79 .
  4. ^ Ruedi Weidmann: Documented landscape. The photo archives of Carl Schröter and the Geobotanical Institute Rübel (=  worlds of images. Photographs from the image archive of the ETH Library . Volume 7 ). Scheidegger & Spiess, Zurich 2019, ISBN 978-3-85881-637-5 , p. 22-23 .
  5. ^ Rolf Holderegger, Conny Thiel-Egenter, Christian Parisod: Marie Brockmann-Jerosch and her influence on Alpine phylogeography . In: Alpine Botany . 121, No. 1, January 26, 2011, pp. 5-10. doi : 10.1007 / s00035-010-0086-9 .
  6. Verena E. Müller: First steps at the Poly: The Pioneers . In: Bulletin ETH Zurich . No. 297 , 2005, pp. 7–11 ( [PDF; accessed December 27, 2019]).
  7. ^ Eduard Rübel: Marie Brockmann-Jerosch. Obituary given by Eduard Rübel at the cremation, November 19, 1952 . In: Report on the Rübel Geobotanical Research Institute in Zurich for 1952 . 1953, p. 12–14 ( [accessed December 27, 2019]).