Marius van Haaften

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Marius van Haaften (born July 13, 1880 in Deventer , † June 24, 1957 in De Steeg, municipality of Rheden) was a Dutch actuary .

Van Haaften attended high school in Arnhem and studied mathematics and science at the University of Leiden while at the same time starting an apprenticeship in the insurance industry. Since he was unable to do his doctorate in actuarial mathematics with Jan Cornelis Kluyver in Leiden, he did his doctorate in Utrecht in 1912 with Willem Kapteyn (Beschouwingen over politieke rekenkunde). From 1908 he was a mathematician at the oldest Dutch life insurance company (founded in 1807), the Hollandse Sociëteit van Levensverzekeringen. From 1927 to 1950 he was director there. He also taught actuarial mathematics part-time at the Free University of Amsterdam.

He tried to standardize the notation in actuarial mathematics, but was only partially successful. He also dealt with the history of mathematics, so with Ludolph van Ceulen , Ezekiel de Decker and his logarithm table , Simon Stevin , Johan de Witt and Nicolaas Struyck and their mortality tables and the history of the interest calculation in the Netherlands.


  • Leerboek's intrestrekening. Groningen: Noordhoff, 1929 (textbook on interest calculation)
  • Het Wiskundig Genootschap ; zijn oudste divorced, zijn werkzaamheden en zijn beteekenis voor het verzekeringswezen. P. Noordhoff, Groningen, 1923 (history of the Dutch mathematical society with special emphasis on actuarial mathematics)

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