Marshall ShredMaster

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Marshall ShredMaster Front
The Marshall Shredmaster with inserted latches .

The Marshall Shredmaster ( spelling ShredMaster ), also known as the Shred Master , is a distortion pedal manufactured by Marshall Amplification .

It was produced in the early 1990s and represented a trio with two other pedals, the Marshall BluesBreaker and the Marshall DriveMaster , in addition to the Marshall Guv'nor . The pedals should each represent a Marshall amplifier in miniature.

The pedal can be operated with a 9V battery or an external power connection .


The Shred Master can be set using five rotary knobs :

  • Gain - amplification of the input signal
  • Bass - control of the lower frequency range
  • Contour - Contour control
  • Treble - control of the high frequency range
  • Volume - volume control

Use by artists

Well-known musicians who used the Marshall ShredMaster:

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vintage Pedal of the Week: Marshall ( en-US )