Martin Schöffberger

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Martin Schöffberger (born October 3, 1962 in Vienna ) is an Austrian classical philologist .


In his hometown he attended elementary school and the Bernoulligymnasium . There he passed his matriculation examination in 1981 and began studying Classical Philology / Latin and Greek for teaching at the University of Vienna in the autumn of the same year . In the summer semester of 1987 he completed his studies with the diploma examination with the thesis investigations on the Vita beati Antonii des Ennodius. De vita beati Antoni monachi and began the new school year in the autumn of 1987 - after he had already worked temporarily in school during his studies - his teaching activities at the Schottengymnasium of the Benedictines in Vienna and at the grammar school of the school brothers in Strebersdorf (Vienna) .

With a short break - due to the community service , which he did from October 1991 to May 1992 at Caritas Austria in the field of social work - he has since taught both subjects at the Schottengymnasium. In the autumn of 1992 he began training as a librarian and was in charge of the school library from 1992 to 2007 .

Since autumn 1988 he has been working with both language subjects at the University of Heiligenkreuz and from 1991 to 2006 in the St. Gabriel Mission House near Mödling in adult education for theology studies. In the summer semesters 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 he also directed the intensive Greek course for theology students at the University of Vienna.

Fonts (selection)

  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Cicero. Talk . ÖBV Pedagogical Publishing House , Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-215-11630-8 .
  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Cicero. Talk . 2nd edition, ÖBV Pädagogischer Verlag, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-215-11630-8 .
  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Butterer and Gerhard Riegler: Caesar . ÖBV Pedagogical Publishing House, Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-215-11628-6 .
    • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Butterer and Gerhard Riegler: Caesar . 2nd edition, ÖBV Pädagogischer Verlag, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-215-11628-6 .
  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Ovid . ÖBV Pedagogical Publishing House, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-215-11638-3 .
    • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Ovid . 2nd edition, ÖBV Pädagogischer Verlag, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-215-11638-3 .
  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Sallust . ÖBV Pedagogical Publishing House, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-215-11631-6 .
  • with Helfried Gschwandtner, Marie-Theres Blätter and Gerhard Riegler: Phaedrus . ÖBV Pedagogical Publishing House, Vienna 1995, ISBN 3-215-11632-4 .
  • with Viktor Streicher: From the world of Christianity. Greek texts from the New Testament . öbvhtp, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-209-04664-6 .
  • with Viktor Streicher: Greek Historiography . öbvhtp, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-209-04911-4 .
  • with Viktor Streicher: The Greek Drama. Comedy and tragedy . öbvhtp, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-209-05376-3 .

Web links