Martin Ziegler (writer)

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Martin Ziegler (born January 28, 1956 in Stuttgart ) is a German-French author, filmmaker and translator.


Martin Ziegler spent his childhood in Stuttgart and on the Swabian Alb. He left Germany at the age of 17 and, after having abandoned his studies in painting, studied linguistics, literary studies, philosophy and art history in Rouen and Paris (at the Sorbonne and at the Institut catholique ).

From 1979 to 1984 he worked with Michel Foucault on a doctorate on biography in antiquity and medieval hagiography. Numerous trips to Europe and Africa took place during this period. In 1979 he started working for the Éditions du Seuil as a lecturer and assistant to François Wahl . The years of study and publishing gave the opportunity for formative encounters, not least with Pierre Klossowski , Paul Veyne , Joseph Beuys , Severo Sarduy , Françoise Dolto , Stanislas Breton .

After various publications in magazines, v. a. in URBI , he published his first short story La Suite des temps in 1986 with the Éditions de l'Aube , which u. a. was noted by Julien Gracq and André du Bouchet . In 1990 a volume with short texts followed by the same publisher ( Duel, idylle, adresse ); as a result, Martin Ziegler published his stories and poems mainly with his new publisher Éditions L. Mauguin. Since then he has been regularly invited to read his texts in France and beyond, such as in Prague, Bremen or Heidelberg.

From 1995 to 1997 he worked on the magazine Ralentir Travaux founded by Bernard Desportes , in particular on issue No. 7 ( Parce que le soleil faisait le paon sur le mur ), which was dedicated to Maurice Blanchot .

Since 2010 he has dedicated himself to the production of feature films while continuing his work as a writer; in Nice Lago , the first film, Jean-Luc Nancy also took part . Martin Ziegler personally carries out all stages of production: from script and direction to assembly and post-production.



  • La Suite des temps , La Tour d'Aigues: éditions de l'Aube 1986.
    • German: Adauktus or the fortune of time , translated by Elisabeth Madlener, Stuttgart: Verlag Jutta Legueil 1992.
  • Duel, idyll, address , La Tour d'Aigues: éditions de l'Aube 1991.
  • Ô ter abcède , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 1997.
  • Vitres griffées éteintes , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 1998.
  • Chemins à fleur autrement blancs , Paris: Editions L. Mauguin 2000.
  • Par le recouvrement du pas , studio recording of the poems read by the author, CD, Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 2002.
  • Vers un jour de buis , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 2003.
    • German (Excerpts): “Buchsbaumtagwärts”, translated by Martin Ziegler, in: Akzente (2), April 2005, pp. 160–164.
  • Comme il en irait du venir en souffrance , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 2005.
  • Notes Laura Fiori , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 2011.
  • Foery , Paris: éditions L. Mauguin 2011.
  • "Réflexions sur une langue en souffrance (à partir des Poèmes de Samuel Wood )"
    • Dt .: "Reflections on an outstanding language (based on the poems of Samuel Wood )", as an afterword in: Louis-René des Forêts : Poems by Samuel Wood. French and German , translated by Jonas Hock, Vienna / Berlin: Turia + Kant 2015, pp. 59–93.


  • Nice Lago , 2011
  • The Seven Sisters , 2013
  • Gon '(Alice) , 2014
  • With Out , 2014
  • VWaR , 2015
  • Joyce - gang announcement , 2019

Translations (selection)

  • Hannah Arendt, La philosophie de l'existence , Payot & Rivages, 2000.
  • Heinrich Böll, Le train était à l'heure , Gallimard - Folio bilingue, 1993. [ The train was on time ]
  • Werner Hamacher, "Approches - De quelques chiasmes de chaque événement", in: Cahiers de l'Herne 83 (Jacques Derrida) 2004, pp. 179-184.
  • Franz Kafka, La métamorphose , Ecole des Lettres / Editions du Seuil, 1993. [ The Metamorphosis ]
  • Heinrich von Kleist, La Marquise d'O ... , Le Duel, Gallimard - Folio bilingue, 1992.
  • Jean-Luc Parant, Like a small earth, blind , (with Elke Rümmelein), Verlag Jutta Legueil, Stuttgart, 1990. [ Comme une petite terre aveugle ]
  • Paul Parin, Trop de diables dans le pays , Editions L. Mauguin, 1997. [ Too many devils in the country. Notes of an Africa traveler ]
  • Rainer Maria Rilke, Lettres à un jeune poète , Ecole des Lettres / Editions du Seuil, 1992. [ Letters to a young poet ]
  • Thomas Strittmatter, Musique de lait , Editions L. Mauguin, 1997. [ Milk music. Two monologues ]
  • Klaus Theweleit, Digue et flux: Le rituel des défilés de masses nazis , URBI / Mardaga, 1980.



  • Gerhard Poppenberg, “Compressing to the traceless”, in: Akzente (2), April 2005, pp. 165–170.

Web links

Individual evidence
