Martina Preiner

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Martina Preiner is a chemist and freelance science journalist. She wrote for Deutschlandfunk , Deutschlandfunk Kultur , WDR5 , SWR2 , television programs such as Quarks (formerly “Quarks & Co”), W for knowledge and various print media such as Neue Zürcher Zeitung , Welt am Sonntag and the online editorial team of .


Preiner studied chemistry and focused her studies at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf on chemical evolution , the chemical origin of life. She works as a science journalist for the podcast “Undoder to the Square” of her colleague and friend Franziska Konitzer. After seven years working for radio, television and print media, she returned to research.

In addition to German, Preiner speaks English and Spanish and has a rough knowledge of Russian and French.


  • 2012: Media Prize for Science Journalism from the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology ( DGPPN ) for its radio feature "Reason for Panic - on the trail of anxiety disorders and fear memory", broadcast on Deutschlandfunk.

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. »Martina Preiner The specialist workshop. Retrieved December 28, 2018 (German).
  2. Rotary Magazin Author: Martina Preiner. Retrieved December 28, 2018 .
  3. Animals in Chernobyl: Despite or because of the radiation? Retrieved December 28, 2018 .
  4. Awards - Excellent Authors . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( [accessed October 17, 2018]).