Martinez Rica mountain lizard

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Martinez Rica mountain lizard
Benny Trapp Iberolacerta martinezricai.jpg

Martinez rica mountain lizard ( Iberolacerta martinezricai )

Superordinate : Scale lizards (Lepidosauria)
Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
Family : Real lizards (Lacertidae)
Subfamily : Lacertinae
Genre : Iberolacerta
Type : Martinez Rica mountain lizard
Scientific name
Iberolacerta martinezricai
( Arribas , 1996)

The Martinez Rican mountain lizard ( Iberolacerta martinezricai ) is a representative of the real lizards .


The body length of adult males is a maximum of 70 mm, the tail becomes about twice as long. Females stay a bit smaller, have a narrower head and are much more slender. Their basic color is brown to gray-brown in all possible shades. The pattern of the males consists of a mosaic of dark spots on a lighter background. The flanks are green, the back, like the females, brown.


Insects, arachnids and other arthropods

Way of life

After a hibernation from the end of September to the end of April, the animals reproduce in midsummer (June / July). The species is oviparous , but no detailed information is available on the number of eggs and the incubation period.


The species lives in areas free of vegetation such as rocks and scree slopes at altitudes between 840 and 1730 m.


Distribution area

The Martinez Rica mountain lizard is endemic to western central Spain . It occurs only in the "Sierra de Francia" mountain range in the province of Salamanca .


  • Oscar J. Arribas: Taxonomic revision of the Iberian 'Archaeolacertae' I .: A new interpretation of the geographical variation of 'Lacerta' monticola Boulenger 1905 and 'Lacerta' cyreni Müller & Hellmich, 1937 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). In: Herpetozoa. Vol. 9, No. 1/2, 1996, ISSN  1013-4425 , pp. 31-56, digitized version (PDF; 4.6 MB) .
  • Werner Mayer, Oscar Arribas: Phylogenetic relationships of the European lacertid genera Archaeolacerta and Iberolacerta and their relationships to some other 'Archaeolacertae' (sensu lato) from Near East, derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. In: Journal of zoological Systematics & evolutionary Research. Vol. 41, No. 3, 2003, pp. 157-161, doi : 10.1046 / j.1439-0469.2003.00223.x .

Web links

Commons : Martinez Rican Mountain Lizard ( Iberolacerta martinezricai )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files