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Torre del Bierzo municipality: Matavenero y Poibueno
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Matavenero (Spain)
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Basic data
Autonomous Community : Castile LeonCastile and León Castile and León
Province : Leon
Comarca : Bierzo
Coordinates 42 ° 32 ′  N , 6 ° 22 ′  W Coordinates: 42 ° 32 ′  N , 6 ° 22 ′  W
Height : 1000  msnm
Residents : 84 (2012) INE
Postal code : 24370
Area code: 24170000500
Address of the municipal administration: [email protected]
Tel .: +34 987 693 216 (19: 30-20: 30)
Website :

Matavenero is an ecovillage at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea ​​level in the mountains of the province of León , northern Spain , administratively it belongs together with Poibueno to Torre del Bierzo .

After it had been uninhabited for a long time, an international group of dropouts and hippies moved into it and rebuilt it from 1989 onwards. The village now has its own kindergarten and an independent school. Decisions regarding community life are made by consensus at the council every 14 days .

The number of residents is given as 72 people, and 36 children were born in Matavenero.

A sustainable lifestyle is to be implemented in Matavenero , using alternative energy generators such as wind turbines and solar cells .

There are many small gardens on the terraces where natural permaculture is practiced. Any rubbish is recycled, composted or properly disposed of outside the village.

The use of motorized devices requires a special permit, which is why it is quite quiet in and around the village. Donkeys and ponies are used to transport loads.

The first Sueño Verde Festival took place in Matavenero .

Matavenero can be reached via forest trails from San Facundo and Foncebadón . The ascent on foot from San Facundo takes about two hours, from Foncebadon it is about an hour. In summer, the village can also be reached by motor vehicle via Foncebadon, which must be parked one kilometer above the village.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Description on the old official website ( Memento from May 12, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Ecoliving in the Spanish Mountains ( Memento of March 12, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.2 MB)
  3. ^ Matavenero A Description with Pictures