Matrjona Dmitrijewna Nikonowa

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Matryona nikonova ( Russian Матрёна Дмитриевна Никонова ; born November 9 . Jul / 21st November  1881 greg. In Sebino, Tula Governorate , † 2. May 1952 in Moscow ) is as Matrona of Moscow ( Матрона Московская ) a saint of the Russian- Orthodox Church .


The original grave of Matronas in the Danilow cemetery is still considered a pilgrimage site today

Matryona Nikonova was born in the village of Sebino, Tula governorate . She was the fourth, youngest child in the family. Hagiographic reports paint the following picture of her: During her pregnancy with Matryona, the mother saw a prophetic dream image in which a blind bird sat on her breast. Matryona was born with her eyelids closed and her eyes were never seen. She was a special kid who had no friends, was often teased, and liked to talk to icons . Even in childhood, Matryona received the ability to prophesy and even then she sought out many people seeking advice. She supposedly had spiritual eyesight, the ability to work miracles, and healing powers. Her legs have been paralyzed since she was 14 years old.

From 1925 until her last days, Matryona lived in Moscow. She predicted her death three days. She died on May 2, 1952.

Matryona was buried in Moscow's Danilov Cemetery. Their bones were reburied in 1998 in the Pokrov nunnery (Moscow).

In 2004 Matryona was beatified by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Current time

Hundreds of people visit the Pokrov Nunnery to pray by the holy relics and the main icon of Matrona.


  • Sinaida Vladimirovna Zhdanova: Life and Miracles of the Blessed Matrona . 2006
  • Faith and Spirituality of the Russian Starzen - Volume 4: Holy Matrona, Stariza of Moscow . Edition Hagia Sophia, Wachtendonk, 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Russia's blind seer in FAZ of October 9, 2012, page 27