Matt Wagner

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Matt Wagner (2009)

Matt Wagner (* 1961 in Pennsylvania ) is an American comic book author and illustrator. Wagner was best known as the creator of the unconventional comic series Grendel and Mage .

Life and work

Wagner, who is from Pennsylvania, began working as a full-time comic book author and illustrator in the late 1980s. In this context, he achieved his greatest artistic and commercial successes in the 1990s with the series Grendel and Mage, which he developed himself and largely designed as an author and illustrator .

In addition, Wagner has designed numerous projects for the publisher DC-Comics : For example, he illustrated some booklets for the series Batman , The Demon and Sandman: Mystery Theater for DC and supplied cover paintings for the series Green Arrow . There was also work as an author and illustrator on the three-part story "Faces", published as issues # 21 to # 23 in the series Legends of the Dark Knight , as well as on the miniseries Batman and the Mad Monk (2006-2007), Batman and the Monster Men (2006), Doctor Mid-Nite (1999), Batman / Riddler: The Riddle Factory and Trinity: Batman / Superman / Wonder Woman .

Wagner currently resides in Portland, Oregon, with his wife Barbara Schutz and their two children Brennan and Amanda .

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