Matt in 13 moves (TV series)

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Television series
Original title Checkmate in 13 moves
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 1983
length 25 minutes
Episodes 13 in 1 season
genre Thriller
First broadcast September 8, 1984 on German television

Matt in 13 Zügen is a German television series from 1983 based on the original of the same name by the German writer Hans Joachim Flechtner , alias Alexander Horla. Stanislav Barabáš directed the film .


The renowned scientist Professor Eberhard Romberg ran a private chemistry laboratory and was about to make a revolutionary discovery when an explosion ended his life. Was it an accident or a murder? His employees are at a loss.

An unusual will is found in the dead man's desk. The sole heir should be the one who solves thirteen prize problems. But a few weeks later Romberg's will is published in the daily newspaper. Apparently the writer of the will assumed that only one person would solve the 13th problem at the end. Only those who have solved one task are given the next.

Initially, countless people take part in this scavenger hunt, but with each task the circle of those who can keep up decreases. Detective Grahn sees it as the lead to a possible murderer and sends his nephew to the competition as an undercover agent. The hunt for the solution to the 13th task soon claims fatalities, and otherwise all sorts of strange things happen.


  • Alexander Horla: Matt in 13 Zügen , Bertelsmann 1953 (No ISBN), new edition Droemer Knaur (1987) - ISBN 3-42601-144-1

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