Max Wolf (composer)

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Max Wolf (February 1840 in Weisskirchen , Moravia , † March 23, 1886 in Vienna ) was an Austrian composer of Moravian origin.

Wolf came from a wealthy merchant family and, at the request of his father, was also supposed to learn this trade. But he decided early on for a musical education; from 1856 he was a student of Adolf Bernhard Marx in Berlin and Felix Otto Dessoff in Vienna.


In his early compositions, Wolf is still very much in the shadow of Jacques Offenbach . But he soon found his own unmistakable style, with which he became the declared darling of the public. His operetta The Blue Danube was performed 34 times in a row in Berlin in 1868 in front of a sold-out house.


According to an anecdote , General Moltke is said to have enthusiastically asked Wolf for a military march after attending a Wolf concert, "so that a bit of fire can get into the boys".

Works (selection)

  • The blue Danube. Operetta in one act . 1868.
  • In the name of the king. Operetta .
  • The portrait lady .
  • The pilgrims. Opera in three acts . 1872.
  • Cesarine .
  • Rafaela .
