Maximilian Ieronimowitsch Kitner

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Maximilian Ieronimowitsch Kitner ( Russian Максимилиан Иеронимович Китнер ; * 1868 , † 1942 in Leningrad ) was a Russian architect .


Children's Hospital, Litovskaya Ulitsa 2M, St. Petersburg
A.-A.-Schröter tenement house, Prospekt Dobrolyubowa 8, St. Petersburg

Kitner, son of the architect Ieronim Sevastyanowitsch Kitner , graduated from the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1897 and then became a freelance architect.

1901–1905 Kitner built a complex of buildings for a children's hospital (Litowskaja Uliza 2). This was followed by the A.-A.-Schröter tenement house (Prospect Dobroljubowa 8, 1902–1903 together with Viktor Schröter ) and in 1904 another tenement house (13th Krasnoarmeiskaja Uliza 9).

Together with civil engineers Alexei Iwanowitsch Saserski and Wassili Wassiljewitsch Starostin , Kitner built a house with condominiums (Uliza Kommissara Smirnowa 15) in the constructivist style from 1913 to 1916 . After the October Revolution , the architects Grigori Alexandrowitsch Simonow , Alexander Iwanowitsch Gegello and Dawid Lwowitsch Kritschewski expanded this residential complex 1924–1927 and turned the central part into the Vyborg Palace of Culture , which was opened for the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution. In 1939 Kitner built the building of the Leningrad State Institute for Paper Production GIPROBUM (Rishsky Prospect 58).

Kitner was killed during the Leningrad blockade .

Individual evidence

  1. В. Г. Исаченко: Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга. XIX– начало XX века . Лениздат, St. Petersburg 1998, ISBN 5-289-01586-8 .
  2. Китнер Ю. И .: Династия архитекторов . In: САЛ . No. 4 , 1978, p. 42-45 .
  3. Литовская ул. - фотографии домов, статьи (accessed February 25, 2018).
  4. Добролюбова пр. - фотографии домов, статьи (accessed February 25, 2018).
  5. 13-я Красноармейская ул. - фотографии домов, статьи (accessed February 25, 2018).
  6. Жилой дом Выборгского товарищества для устройства постоянных квартир, Дворец кус жимым (accessed on February 26th, 2018.