Dawid Lwowitsch Kritschewski

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Dawid Lwowitsch Krichevsky ( Russian Давид Львович Кричевский , Ukrainian Давид Львович Кричевський Davyd Lwowytsch Krytschewskyj ; born November 10 . Jul / 22. November  1894 . Greg in Romny , † January 1942 in Leningrad ) was a Ukrainian - Russian architect , representative of Constructivism and Graphic artist . In the literature Critschewski is also called by the first name Daniil.


Kritschewskis parents were the merchant of the 2nd guild Lev Dawidowitsch Kritschewski and Sara (Sofi) Isaakowna née Brodskaja. The father traded in real estate, was a member of the board of the Second Society for Mutual Loans and a member of the board of the Romny Relief Society for Poor Jews . In 1890 the family suffered from a pogrom , after which the uncle emigrated to England . Kritschewski attended secondary school in Romny and then studied at the Petrograd Institute of Civil Engineers .

In 1925–1927 Kritschewski, Alexander Ivanovich Gegello and Grigori Alexandrowitsch Simonow built an extension in Leningrad for the residential complex with condominiums (Uliza 15) built by Maximilian Ieronimowitsch Kitner , Alexei Ivanovich Sasersky and Vasily Wassiljewitsch Starostin (Ulitsa 15) from the central part of Smirn Residential complex of the Vyborg Palace of Culture , which was opened on the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution . At the same time Krichevsky was the engineer Vladimir Fomitch Railjan in the project of Gegello and Alexander Ivanovich Dmitriyev for the construction of the House of Culture of Moskowsko-Narwski- Rajons (now Gorky -Kulturpalast, Ploshchad Statschek 4) involved in the constructivist style, built after winning the competition and also opened for the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution. During this time Kritschewski built a school with Gegello and JG Grusdewoi (Mochowaja Uliza 19) and with Gegello a study building for the Technology Institute on Moskovsky Prospect. This was followed by the Botkin Hospital (1927–1930 with Gegello and Simonow), the House of Technology Teaching (1930–1932 with Gegello and Railjan), the cultural palace of the Ischora factory in Kolpino (1932–1938 with Gegello), and the cinema palace Gigant (1933–1935 with Gegello), the Gasa Culture Palace for workers of the Putilov plant (1930–1935 with Gegello), the school building on Prospekt Statschek 94–96 (1935 with Grusdewoi), a school building on Tawritschiskaja Uliza 21 (1936 with Grusdewoi) and a new building for the Palace of the Pioneers (1936–1937 with Gegello).

Krichevsky died during the Leningrad blockade .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Кричевский Давид Львович (accessed February 27, 2018).
  2. Исаченко В. Г .: Зодчие Санкт-Петербурга. XX век. Лениздат, St. Petersburg 2000, p. 664 .
  3. Ежегодник Ленинградского отделения Союза советских архитекторов. Выпуск 1-2 (XV — XVI) . Leningrad 1940, p. 78-91, 144, 148, 177 .
  4. Кирикова Л. А .: А. И. Гегелло. Архитектурная графика в собрании Государственного музея истории Санкт-Петербурга . In: Труды государственного музея истории Санкт-Петербурга . No. 13 , 2006, p. 127-170 .
  5. Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет: КРиверситет : КРиверситет : КРиверситет : КРииЧЕВилвч) (accessed on February 27, 2018).
  6. Жилой дом Выборгского товарищества для устройства постоянных квартир, Дворец кус жимым (accessed on February 26th, 2018.
  7. Дворец культуры им. А. М. Горького (accessed April 19, 2018).
  8. a b c Кириков Б. М., Штиглиц М. С .: Архитектура ленинградского авангарда. Путеводитель . Коло, St. Petersburg 2009, ISBN 978-5-901841-49-5 .