Gianluca Falanga

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Gianluca Falanga (* 1977 in Salerno , Italy) is a German-Italian historian and publicist.


Gianluca Falanga grew up in Turin . From 1996 to 2002 he studied literature at the University of Turin . During a year abroad at the University of Copenhagen , he conducted research at the Arnamagnæan Institute, where he came across the Faroese Nibelungslieder, which he translated into Italian for his diploma thesis. He then moved to Germany , where he initially completed an apprenticeship as a bookseller in Berlin and Frankfurt . Today Falanga lives as a freelance historian and publicist in Berlin. He is the author and translator of numerous non-fiction books on various historical and political topics in German and Italian. In his work, Falanga strives to combine scientific source research with creative narrative and communication art as well as educational methodology. Since 2010 he has been working with the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial and the Normannenstrasse Research and Memorial Center as well as the House of History Foundation . In addition, his articles and essays appear in the research journals of the Italian domestic secret service Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna Gnosis. Rivista italiana di Intelligence .

Journalistic focus

Since 2005, Falanga has dealt with various topics and aspects of recent German and Italian history, including the history of Berlin , Nazi history, the history of Italian fascism and German-Italian relations, GDR history, the history and work of the Ministry for State Security the GDR, history of the Cold War in Germany and Italy, international espionage history , in particular the role of the intelligence services in the area of ​​tension between political violence and international terrorism from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Basic research

As an independent researcher, Gianluca Falanga carries out primary source research in German and international public and private archives.

In 2007/08, Falanga researched in the historical-diplomatic archive of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Archivio Storico Diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri) the previously neglected correspondence and memories of the Italian embassy staff in Berlin between 1933 and 1945 and systematically evaluated them for the first time.

In the archive of the Federal Commissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the Former German Democratic Republic (BStU) he accessed and published sources in 2013, including a. Electronic clarification from the SIRA sub-databases of the GDR's foreign secret service, head office , on the work of the Ministry for State Security in Italy. Due to his knowledge and research into the development, organizational structure and work of the Stasi, in particular its involvement in international terrorism, he was heard as an expert by the investigative commission set up by the Italian parliament to investigate the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades in 2016 .

In 2016, the family of the Italian diplomat Luca Pietromarchi commissioned him to organize and inspect the senior official's written estate. From largely unpublished letters, memoirs and diaries of Pietromarchi, which show real-time knowledge of the Holocaust , Falanga wrote a detailed biography of the diplomat.


  • The Humboldt University , Berlin 2005
  • Italy in Berlin , Berlin 2006
  • Berlin 1937. The calm before the storm , Berlin 2007
  • Mussolini's outpost in Hitler's empire. Italy's Politics in Berlin 1933–1945 , Berlin 2008
  • Italy. A compass through the beloved chaos , Berlin 2009
  • Not si può dividere il cielo. Storie dal Muro di Berlino [History of the Berlin Wall], Rome 2009
  • Il Ministero della Paranoia. Storia della Stasi [History of the Stasi], Rome 2012
  • Play dall'est. L'Italia nelle carte segrete della Stasi [The Work of the Stasi in Italy], Rome 2014
  • Storia di un diplomatico. Luca Pietromarchi al Regio Ministero degli Affari Esteri (1923-1945) , Rome 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carocci editore - Carmi di Sigurd. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (Italian).
  2. GNOSIS. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (it-IT).
  3. ^ The Humboldt University . In: Berlin Story Verlag . July 16, 2008 ( [accessed February 27, 2018]).
  4. Berlin 1937 . In: Berlin Story Verlag . July 16, 2008 ( [accessed February 27, 2018]).
  5. a b Un diplomatico nella tormenta. Luca Pietromarchi. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (it-IT).
  6. a b Gianluca Falanga: Ch. Links Verlag | Mussolini's outpost in Hitler's Reich - Italy's politics in Berlin 1933-1945. Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  7. Italy in Berlin - berlin edition. Retrieved on February 27, 2018 (German).
  8. ^ Carocci editore - Non si può dividere il cielo. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (Italian).
  9. ^ Carocci editore - Il Ministero della Paranoia. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (Italian).
  10. Gnosis: Terra incognita. Il polo segreto di Berlino-Hohenschönhausen. Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  11. Gnosis: Nella tana del lupo. Il Museo della Stasi di Berlino. Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  12. a b Carocci editore - Spie dall'Est. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (Italian).
  13. Gnosis: Gladio? Per la Stasi non era un segreto. Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  14. Gnosis: Difesa partigiana o guerra di classe clandestina? La Gladio della Repubblica Democratica Tedesca. Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  15. Camera.It - XVII Legislatura - Lavori - Resoconti delle Giunte e Commissioni. Retrieved February 27, 2018 (Italian).