Mecodema punctellum

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Mecodema punctellum
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Family : Ground beetle (Carabidae)
Subfamily : Broscinae
Genre : Mecodema
Type : Mecodema punctellum
Scientific name
Mecodema punctellum
Broun , 1921

Mecodema punctellum is probably extinct ground beetles , which on the New Zealand island Stephens Iceland endemic was.


Mecodema punctellum was a large black ground beetle that reached a length of 38.5 millimeters and a width of 11.7 millimeters. He was unable to fly.

The genus Mecodema occurs only on New Zealand and the offshore islands.

Habitat and way of life

Nothing is known about its habitat. Presumably it was found in damp forests and sought shelter under the bark of large rotten tree trunks. Its way of life was predatory and its diet consisted of snails.

die out

Mecodema punctellum was discovered in 1916 and was last detected in 1931. After searches failed in 1961, 1971, 1974 to 1976, 1981, 1990, 1996 on Stephens Island and 1997 on D'Urville Island , it is now considered extinct. The reason for its disappearance is believed to be habitat destruction, as large, rotten tree trunks are no longer present on Stephens Island.

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