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Meduris or Meduros is the name of an enigmatic Celtic deity associated with Teutates , in the form Toutatis Medurini (dative form).


An inscription from Rome gives this double name, and two more are known from Alsace . The name forms Meduros or Meduris deciphered there could etymologically be related to the root word * Medrus , a god name, about whose bearer and its function or mythology nothing is known. In one of the inscriptions from Alsace, from Brumath (Brocomagus, Germania superior ), the corresponding relief shows a naked warrior with a helmet, spear and a bull's head.

A connection with the Irish god Midir is also not excluded.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. P. 673 f.
  2. CIL VI, 31182 Petiganus / Placidus / Toutati / Medurini / votum sol / vet (!) Anni / versarium
  3. Bernhard Maier: The religion of the Celts: gods, myths, worldview. P. 91. ( Online in Google Book Search)
  4. CIL XIII, 6017 D (eo) Medru Matu / tina Cobnert (i)