Megalithic systems from Hjelmsømagle

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The megalithic complex at Hjelmsømagle - the passage grave in the background

The megalithic complexes of Hjelmsømagle are located on both sides of Haslevvej (road 269) in the hamlet of Sneslev , southeast of Ringsted on the Danish island of Zealand . The megalithic systems date from the Neolithic around 3500–2800 BC. And are plants of the funnel beaker culture (TBK).

Passage grave

The more disturbed passage grave ( Danish Jættestue ) is in the field west of the road. It consists of five stones in the west (three in situ ), 3.5 stones in the east (one in situ), two overturned stones in the north, and 2.5 cap stones. The excavated mound measures approximately 8.0 × 6.0 m.


The freestanding dolmen is in the field east of the road. The capstone lies between the five outwardly tilted supporting stones. There are two bowls on the capstone . The round hill is about 6.9 m in diameter.

See also


  • Karsten Kjer Michaelsen: Politics bog om Danmarks oldtid. (= Politikens håndbøger. ) Politiken, Copenhagen 2002, ISBN 87-567-6458-8 .

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