Megalithic systems from Liscuis

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The megalithic complexes of Liscuis (pronounced lisquisse) are located south of Laniscat west of Mûr-de-Bretagne in the Côtes-d'Armor (also called Arrière-pays) in Brittany in France . In France, dolmen is the generic term for Neolithic megalithic structures of all kinds (see: French nomenclature ).

Liscuis I

Above the Daoulas gorge, through which the Blavet flows, three heterogeneous dolmens (Allées couvertes) , which were examined and restored between 1973 and 1975, lie on a slate ridge that provided the building material for the necropolis .

Liscius 1

Liscius 1 is an architecturally unusual, twelve-meter-long megalithic complex that is narrowed in a trapezoidal or V-shape towards the access area . This form, which can also be observed in Mané-Kerioned , belongs to P.-R. Giot among the oldest in Brittany. The tiny antechamber is separated from the approximately 9.5 m long main chamber by a side stone that leaves a triangular entrance. Three of the once four or five ceiling tiles above the approximately 1.5 m high and 1.8 m wide chamber with supporting stones inclined slightly inward are still present. The interior had a pavement on which the grave goods ( ceramics and stone axes ) were found. The complex, once located in an egg-shaped stone mound made of slate , was dated to 3190 BC. Dated.

Liscuis 2

Liscius 2 is a classic, straight system 15 m long, with a 2.5 m long antechamber and an 8.5 m long main chamber. Here too, the access to the main chamber was created by orthostats that leave a triangle free. The floor paving made of large thin slabs of slate is still visible. Only a ceiling tile remained. The cairn was irregular in shape. The age of the complex is between 2500 and 2200 BC. The found coarse clay material (flower pot shape) resembles the ceramics of the Seine-Oise-Marne culture (SOM).

Liscuis 3

Liscius 3 is also a classic, straight system with a small triangular antechamber and main chamber. It is 1.5 m wide and 7.5 m long. The paving may have been badly damaged by subsequent installations. Some ceiling panels have been preserved.


See also

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Coordinates: 48 ° 13 '15 "  N , 3 ° 7' 44"  W.