Mehmet Seyfettin Özege

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Mehmet Seyfettin Özege (born  February 7, 1901 in Istanbul , †  April 27, 1981 ) was a Turkish book collector and bibliographer .

life and work

After studying law, which he completed in 1924, he worked in various banks until 1950. He remained unmarried. In addition to Turkish, he spoke Arabic, Persian and French well. The books he acquired from the bibliographer Nurullah Pertevoğlu (1894–1956) became the basis of his own collection. In 1961 he donated around 50,000 books to Ataturk University in Erzurum, which was founded in 1957 . His five-volume bibliography Eski Harflerle Basılmış Türkçe Eserler Katalogu was published between 1971 and 1979 , in which almost all Turkish books printed in Arabic script from 1728 to 1928 are listed based on an autopsy . Özege's grave is in the Kozlu Cemetery in Istanbul.


  • Hüseyin Odabaş: The reward for two hundred years' labor . Seyfettin Özege Rare Resource Collection. 2009 ( PDF file; 212 kB ).
  • Coşkun Polat, Bünyamin Okuyucu: Ataturk Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi Seyfettin Özege Nadir Eserler Dermesi . In: Turkish Studies . No. 3/4 , 2008 ( PDF file; 155 kB ).
  • Rıfat N. Bali: Büyük Bir Kitabiyat Âlimi ve Bibliyografyacı: M. Seyfettin Özege . İstanbul 2014, ISBN 978-6-05432698-3 .