Maestro dei Baldraccani

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Madonna col Bambino , Pinacoteca civica di Forlì

As Maestro dei Baldraccani ( Italian for master of Baldraccani ) a painter is called, probably in the late 15th century from 1480 to 1510 in northern Italy in the region of Emilia-Romagna worked. The artist, who is not known by name, got his emergency name from the coat of arms of the Baldraccani family, which can be found on an altarpiece under the pictures attributed to the master through a comparison of styles. The picture was found in modern times in the Muti-Bussi collection in Rome.

The Baldraccani aristocratic family lived in Forlì , a city in Emilia-Romagna.

Stylistically, the Maestro dei Baldraccani is close to the painter Melozzo da Forlì (1438–1494) and his successor Marco Palmezzano (1456–1539), both of whom came from Forli and worked there at least temporarily. The Maestro dei Baldraccani is, like her, counted among the group of painters from Forli, which is sometimes summarized under the term “School of Forli” and represents a typical local Renaissance style of painting. The forerunner of this school is counted as the painter Baldassare Carrari the Elder , who worked in Forli around 1354 , allegedly a pupil of Giotto di Bondone , the pioneer of the Italian Renaissance. Carrari is said to have brought the influence of the Renaissance in painting from Forli first.

The master of Baldraccani can possibly be identified with the painter Leone Cobelli from Forli.

Catalog of works (selection)

  • Saint Sebastian , panel, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Philadelphia (John G. Johnson Collection)
  • Madonna with Child and four saints , panel, from the Muti-Bussi collection, Rome
  • Madonna in Adoration of the Child , panel, Galleria della Cassa di Risparmio, Cesena
  • Portrait of Bishop Filasio Roverella , Municipal Art Gallery, Cesena


  • Federico Zeri: Schede romagnole. Il Maestro dei Baldraccani. In Paragone. Rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura . Vol. 37, No. 441, 1986, ISSN  1120-4737 , pp. 22-26.
  • Stefano Tumidei: Un 'aggiunta al "Maestro dei Baldraccani" e qualche appunto sulla pittura romagnola del tardo Quattrocento. In: Prospettiva. No. 49, 1987, ISSN  0394-0802 , pp. 80-91.
  • Giordano Viroli: Pittura dal Duecento al Quattrocento a Forli. Nuova Alfa, Bologna 1998, ISBN 88-7779-504-2 .
  • Angelo Mazza: La Vergine in adorazione del Bambino del Maestro dei Baldraccani (= Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Cesena. Acquisizioni. Vol. 2). Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena, Cesena 2005 (exhibition catalog).
  • Master of the Baldraccani. In: BBC, Public Catalog Foundation (Ed.): Your Paintings. Website, accessed August 2012.

Individual evidence

  1. Federico Zeri: Schede romagnole. Il Maestro dei Baldraccani. In Paragone. Rivista mensile di arte figurativa e letteratura . Vol. 37, No. 441, 1986, pp. 22-26.
  2. for example in Joseph Archer Crowe , Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle (ed.): History of Italian painting. Volume 4. Hirzel, Leipzig 1871.
  3. Stefano TUMIDEI: Un 'aggiunta al "Maestro dei Baldraccani" e qualche appunto sulla pittura romagnola del tardo Quattrocento. In: Prospettiva. No. 49, 1987, pp. 80-91.