Master of the Erbach tables

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Meister der Erbachschen Tafeln is the emergency name of an Italian painter from the 1st half of the 14th century.

The unknown master is the creator of two panels depicting the Apocalypse of John , which are now in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart . The panels were owned by the zu Erbach-Fürstenau family until 1970 ; hence the emergency name. The unusual format of the elongated panels leaves their possible use unclear. Their form of representation is even more unusual: distributed on a dark blue background, 44 representations of the Apocalypse float, read from left to right; in Camaieu (exclusively monochrome in gold), only blood and fire in bright red. The pictures are closely related to Giotto , but more delicate and precious. Of the two theses of origin ( Siena or Naples ), the first has prevailed today: They were probably commissioned by Robert von Anjou and show the effects of Giotto's stay in Naples between 1328 and 1333.


  • Edeltraud Rettich, Rüdiger Klapproth, Gerhard Ewald: State Gallery Stuttgart. Old Masters Stuttgart 1992, pp. 210-213.

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