Master of the Lippborg Passion

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Master of the Lippborg Passion is the emergency name of a Westphalian late Gothic painter, whose activity is dated from around 1470 to 1480.

Today in the Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History in Münster located Passion altar of the Church of Lippborg is the Notnamensgeber this unknown artist. He is regarded as an outstanding student of the master von Liesborn . Both are influenced by the Dutch from the master of the Schöppinger Altar . Another important work by the master of the Lippborg Passion is the altar from the Hohnekirche in Soest (around 1480).

Other works

supporting documents

  1. H. Busch: Masters of the North. Old Low German painting 1450-1550. Hamburg 1943, p. 76 identifies the master of 1489 both with the master of Liesborn and with the master of the Lippborg Passion .