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The Melanthids are the name given to the dynasty of mythical kings of Attica founded by King Melanthos . This only includes 2 kings.

Melanthos wrested the throne from King Thymoites and ended the dynasty of the Kekropiden .

Kodros was the last king on the Attic throne. Since he sacrificed himself in the war against the Peloponnesians and thus the victory was won, no one was considered worthy of succeeding him to the throne. Instead, an Archon was elected for life .

Genealogy of the melanthids

The rulers of the dynasty were ( Eduard Schwartz calculated the (fictitious) reigns of the rulers based on the years of government given by ancient historians ):



  1. Eduard Schwartz: The King Lists of Eratosthenes and Castor (= treatises of the Royal Society of Sciences in Göttingen. Philological-Historical Class 40, 2). Goettingen 1894.