Melody Quadrille

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The melody quadrille is a quadrille by Johann Strauss Sohn (op. 112). It was first performed on July 16, 1852 in the Volksgarten in Vienna .


This quadrille was first listed under the name Hesperid Quadrille . It was not given its current name until the print edition. Johann Strauss in this work motives from the operas Rigoletto and Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi picked up and processed. While Rigoletto quickly became popular in Vienna at the time, the Viennese initially found it difficult to accept the Macbeth opera . That may also have been a reason for Johann Stauss to incorporate motifs from both operas into the Quadrille in order to also recommend Macbeth to his listeners . With the Neue Melodien-Quadrille (Op. 254) the composer created a similar work in 1861.

The playing time on the CD listed under itemization is 5 minutes and 1 second. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 51) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), publisher Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the third track on the 17th CD.