Menhir of Quedlinburg

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Menhir of Quedlinburg
The menhir on the memorial in memory of the prisoner-of-war camp in Quedlinburg

The menhir on the memorial in memory of the prisoner-of-war camp in Quedlinburg

Menhir of Quedlinburg (Saxony-Anhalt)
Red pog.svg
Coordinates 51 ° 48 '36.8 "  N , 11 ° 10' 55.7"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 48 '36.8 "  N , 11 ° 10' 55.7"  E
place Quedlinburg , Saxony-Anhalt , Germany

The menhir of Quedlinburg is a possible menhir near Quedlinburg in the Harz district in Saxony-Anhalt .

Location and description

General view of the monument with the possible menhir

The stone is located northeast of Quedlinburg, immediately north of the A 36 Am Lagerweg. At this point was in the First World War, a war camp . The stone was used by the prisoners of the camp as a crowning of a memorial for deceased comrades. There is no information on the material or the dimensions of the stone. Its exact place of origin is also unknown, but probably only the former camp or its immediate surroundings come into consideration. In the area of ​​the camp, several prehistoric findings were discovered during an archaeological excavation in 2004 .

Other menhirs are known from the vicinity. Between Quedlinburg and Westerhausen, there was a large stone circle in the donkey stable until the middle of the 19th century . Further to the west, a decorated menhir was discovered on the Honigkopf in a burial mound near Westerhausen , which is now placed in front of the castle museum in Quedlinburg.


  • Jens Brauer, Thomas Wozniak: The Quedlinburg prisoner of war camp in the First World War - The historical sources. In: Harald Meller (Ed.): Archeology XXL. Archeology on the B6n in the district of Quedlinburg (= Archeology in Saxony-Anhalt. Special volume 21 / I). State Office for Monument Preservation and Archeology Saxony-Anhalt, Halle (Saale) 2006, ISBN 3-910010-99-7 , p. 267.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jens Brauer, Thomas Wozniak: The Quedlinburg prisoner of war camp in the First World War - The historical sources. 2006, p. 267.
  2. ^ Find of the month August: Archeology of the 20th century