Mercedes slide

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Photo from the 1930s (Australia)

Mercedes Gleitze (born November 18, 1900 in Brighton , † February 9, 1981 in London ) was a British swimmer.

In 1928, Gleitze was the first female swimmer to cross the Strait of Gibraltar from Europe to Africa and in 1930 the Dardanelles from Europe to Asia. In January 1931 she achieved the world record in women's endurance swimming with 42 hours. Her father emigrated from Germany to England from the Göttingen district. Mercedes Gleitze worked as a secretary in London.

On October 7, 1927, Mercedes Gleitze made the first official attempt by a swimmer to cross the English Channel . Although the crossing failed due to the low temperatures and the heavy swell after 15 hours and 15 minutes, everyone who had watched this vindication swim from boats praised the swimmer's courage, strength and perseverance. And for another, the attempted crossing of the canal became the occasion for a great success and the beginning of the triumphal march of the wristwatch : the German-born, Swiss by choice and England emigrant Hans Wilsdorf .

Hans Wilsdorf was the founder of the Rolex company . When she tried to cross the canal, Mercedes Gleitze carried a Rolex Oyster with her at the request of Hans Wilsdorf. (Even if the rumors persist that Mercedes Gleitze had worn the watch on her wrist, the watch was actually attached to a strap that the swimmer wore around her neck.) After it was found that the watch had been in the cold for over eight hours Water had survived completely intact and was still accurate, Wilsdorf placed a full-page advertisement on November 24, 1927 with the title " The wonder watch that defies the elements" on the front page of the London daily newspaper Daily Mail to promote its quality watches with this sporting event. This made the watch brand Rolex, but also Mercedes Gleitze, world-famous.

Web links

Commons : Mercedes Gleitze  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files