Merlin Stone

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Merlin Stone (born September 27, 1931 in Brooklyn , † February 23, 2011 ) was an American theologian , art historian and sculptor .


Stone studied theology and archeology in the United States. She taught as a college professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo . In her works, Stone dealt with women's rights and feminist theology, among other things . Stone is particularly known for her book When God Was a Woman ; there she writes about prehistoric mother goddesses in the Middle East . She also worked as a sculptor .

Works (selection)

  • The Paradise Papers: The Suppression of Women's Rites
  • When God Was a Woman , 1976
  • Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood . Boston: Beacon Press, 1984, ISBN 0-8070-6719-9
  • Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood , 2nd Edition
  • 3000 Years of Racism

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